second room to rent is not getting bookings

Level 1
United Kingdom

second room to rent is not getting bookings

Hi everyone 


We have two rooms to rent in the same house but unfortunately due to airbnbs set up,  we have to have them on separate listings. We're finding that when we have one room rented out, this blocks one listing completely for that booking period  and people are not able to find our other listing if they want to book. Does anyone have suggestions please?  Airbnb have already told us it is not possible to simply add another room to our existing listing.  

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Kraków, Poland

Hello @Belinda96. You've got two listings so why isn't it working for you? Maybe you have synced the calendars in the wrong way? Look at my setup - more or less the same as yours and it's been fine for a couple of months - even at this moment hosting two independent parties.

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"

Many thanks!

Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom


As your listings are identical.

You could transfer bookings from the popular listing to the one not getting bookings.