Alteration Issue

Level 1
Rehovot, Israel

Alteration Issue


I changes a 5 nights reservation to 9 nights and like airbnb told me, an alteration request sent to my guest.

Now from my side(the host) it showed me that the total will be another $360 for the 4 nights which is great becasue i'm charging for this dates $90 a night so the the total is 360 with no extra charge to my guest, which is fair cause he already paid cleaning fee.

He contacted me and told me that the alteration request is $580, 220 more than what i saw from my side, now i get it that their maybe some fees to airbnb from his side only but 220? it's not reasonable, what's the deal here, why it's always so complicated to alter a reservation.




1 Reply 1
Level 2
Toronto, Canada

I have the same problem. 

We put the final price we want but there is always a different fee for the guest.

It really annoying because they already agreed to pay an amount, and if we need to alter, they have to agree to pay extra?

It`s not clear how it`s done, and to be honest, not fair either.

I wish we had more control of this part.