Cancelation policy

Level 1
Vancouver, Canada

Cancelation policy

Airbnb has blocked some dates that were requested by a guest but because i did not respond within 24 hours. MY CITY HAD A FREAKING SNOWSTORM AND POWER WAS OUT.


Both the guest and I want to book him for those dates!


Please help

1 Reply 1
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Yeye0,


Welcome to the Community Center. This does sounds like some nasty weather, I hope you were all safe in somewhere nice and warm. 


Have you contacted the Airbnb Support Team directly about this? They may be able to help sort this out or give you some advice on how to proceed. There is a useful Community Guide at the top of the Community Help board. 


Let us know how you get on, if you can. 🙂




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