Edit review

Level 1
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Edit review



I left a slightly negative review for our last guests, since they left the flat untidy. Other than that they were fine, but our host/cleaner relayed that the flat was with lots of old food in the fridge and garbages wasn't taken out. We don't charge a cleaning fee with the understanding that the guest leave the flat reasonabley tidy. But after I left the slightly negative review, though I did recommend them with thumbs up. The guest left a very nice review and didn't like our negative review. I'd like to soften my review, but I don't see a way to edit it now.




2 Replies 2
Level 1
Täby, Sweden

I have exactly the same situation as previously described. Would like to improve review that was set to harsh, but doesnät seem possible after posting.

Is it possible to make a change; important for guests.


Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands


I think you gavce your last guests a good review - as a host I'd never guess they were the type to be messy and leave old food in the fridge. So not sure what your want to improve...

They'll never see your star review anyway.

And to answer your question, no not possible once posted. And editing only 48h after writing and before posting.