I recently posted a room on this site to see if it was something that I could possibly do for a living and found that the Air Bnb site exceeded my expectations and worked really well. The fees charged were reasonable for the valuable exposure I recieved. I then decided that I would try to pursue this as a means of earning a living. I contacted the proper government agencies to get whatever license or permit I would need to be in complience with the law. I must honestly say, the information and paper work they asked for proved to be to much for me. I thought to myself, I am only one person trying to rent out two bedrooms that will only sleep four people at a house that has been here for more than thirty years and has had that many people here on many occasions, so, why do I need an environmental impact statement? Even big companies have lawyers to help them figure out this beurocratic mountain of paperwork. on top of all that, even if I did jump through all the hoops they required me to, there was no gaurantee that I would get the permits. I would also have to pay fileing fees that could also be lost to me if they denied my application. For fear of beating my own head against a brick wall I sadly took down the listing on your wonderful web site. I truly believe that Air BnB has been trying to help people like me here in Hawaii. Big Buisiness and Big Government are to heavy a weight for just one home owner with a couple of rooms. I hope the efforts your AirBnB company has made will one day prevail for all us little guys.
Hello Mindy!, i'm sorry to read that, i'm not really aware of the situation there, why don't you keep your listing on?, you have been doing it for a while, as i understand, and neve had a problem, why do you have one now?