How can I stop receiving message from declined guest

Level 10
George Town, Malaysia

How can I stop receiving message from declined guest

Dear hosts,

I had an enquiry from a guest that I found uncomfortable with. He asked me to deal outside of Airbnb to skip service charge. I refused and decided to decline the inquiry. However I found he still able to message me. As I use instant booking for all my listings, I am worry he might just book my other listing to sabotage me. How can I stop him from messaging me and prevent him from booking my house? Thank you very much.
5 Replies 5

In addition to the Decline feature, you can also flag the message thread. Look for the little icon on page. Cheers...
Level 10
George Town, Malaysia

Flag does not stop him from messaging me, doesn't it?

Have you tried it?
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

You can't - unfortunately. However if it is appropriate, and he continues to message you, and you have asked him to stop doing so - then use the flag icon and enter the reason why - while he might not be banned from Airbnb at least if he uses IB you have a record against him which should (in theory) help you cancel penalty free with Airbn's help

Thank you very much. The guest had stopped messaging me.

The next thing I am worry is he will appear at my doorstep.

Anyway, thanks.