Incorrect pricing displayed

Level 1
Brookvale, Australia

Incorrect pricing displayed

When I do a search for my listing it is displaying the incorrect price. I have been wondering why I have been getting no click throughs or enquiries and believe this could be the case. 


When I enter one night - which should be $70 a night it comes up at $199? It's not until you hover on the price that it shows the correct amount..


Please help!

14 Replies 14
Level 2
Victoria, Australia

This has also happened to me.

Also when I'm looking for listings in the US it's happening

I checked my listing and it appears to show my default price. I would like to think if someone is searching for specific dates it would show the price for this dates.
Andrew - see community help guides for many great FAQ

This is happening to me and I am so frustrated, because I can't find airbnb's contact number or email!!!


Level 1
Queensland, Australia

Hi, I just discovered the reason that mine was showing a higher price was that it added the additional guest charge per person upto your maximum number allowed. It adds it to your base price which then shows a higher price to the public when they perform a general search of your area. I changed my title heading to reflect the price (large..... for 4 guests). I also charge a cleaning fee and a security bond  and luckily this was not included in the base price shown to guests.

Hope this helps!

I've got the same problem! How can I get it corrected? Mines at 175 but my profile says 150 night which is correct!
I too haven't been getting any inquires in about 3 weeks now 😟
Level 1
Makawao, HI

I too am having the same problem and am super frustrated because there seems to be no info on how to contact an actual person to resolve this issue.

Level 1
Victoria, Australia

We have exactly the same problem - when you choose a range of dates, eg 23-30th June and St Kilda, all the apartments listed show nearly double the price. When you hover over the price it shows the real one but the problem is that no one is goign to do that on places which look like they are $5k for the week!


We're not getting any enquiries at the moment and have been steadily for the past two months so it must have just started occurring.


We rang airbnb - we found a number when we google Airbnb Contact details - 02 8520 3333 - and have logged the problem. the problem is they can't see it where they are (Dublin, Philippines) so is it australia specific? We've sent them screen shots and still waiting...and losing customers!


Maybe call them too so they realise how widespread the problem is. It's on all listings so it must be affecting the whole of Australia?




We too are in the same position, price is showing double the rate we charge!!! We have not had a booking for weeks and usually a guest here all the time!!! How do we fix it???


I just called up the number that Sophie listed and spoke with someone. They are aware of it and they said their IT department is looking into it although they don't have an ETA on when it will be fixed.

Level 2
Sydney, Australia



I reported the same problem to Airbnb yesterday.  The total price quoted for a property don't seem to match the break down (actual) price.  In frustration, after having had no response from Airbnb technical or customer support, I posted about the problem on their Facebook page :


They replied that someone from customer service will get back to me very soon.  If I find out anything more about the timeframe for resolving the problem, I will update.  Hoping this problem is resolved REALLY quickly now!







Level 1
Byron Bay, Australia

Hi AirBnb, 
The price of our listing is showing as $569 when I search for 2 people from June 11-14 in Byron Bay, Australia... when I click on our listing, the price then shows the correct total of $318 ($94 per night). All other listings are overpriced in the search results also. We are definitely on AUD ! Can you explain why this is happening? Many thanks !

Have the same problem as many others.

Incorrect housecleaning price (at $28 instead of $35), and the apartment is showing available at $96 instead of my bottom price of $125!

I am also having the same problem and logged with Airbnb a couple of days ago. 


Glad to hear the problem is getting some momentum and hopefully it will be resolved too.


I definitely think it is impacting bookings,  I know I wouldn't look past those search results as they just look uncompetitive..

Level 2
Burleigh Heads, Australia



We have had three consecutive bookings all with pricing issues. 


Once I approve a booking (at the correct price), the receipt forwarded to me has incorrect fees charged and missing the cleaning fees so Im receiving hundreds less than I should be.  Most times it reverts my fees to my base rate of $175 per night, which is incorrect for the period that guests have chosesn.  My calendar is accurate and reflects the correct pricing.  I dont have auto pricing settings switched on so I dont understand how Airbnb is over-riding my price structure. 


I've had bookings removed from my calendar for no apparant reason. Rather dangerous as It means that I could double book guests.


On my airbnb iphone app, the calendar displays some sort of bug/fault.  In the lower corner of the calendar boxes, there are two prices overlapped on top of eachother, there should only be one price displayed.  I had the numbers $175 and $225 overlapping ontop of eachother.  These days were also days where a guest had requested to book, and airbnb only charged her $175, which was incorrect.  It was supposed to be $225.


So many bugs.  I'm so frustrated I'm considering removing my property from Airbnb listing.  Theres no help or support from anyone who works with Airbnb.  Only these forums.  We cant fix the bugs in their system, and there appears to be no way of letting them know.