New Guest Review Process Is Horrible!

Level 3
Killington, VT

New Guest Review Process Is Horrible!

Have you seen the new guest review process yet?


The design completely removes any of the guest information from the review page - no name or property that they stayed at. This is horrible for hosts with multiple properties. I now no longer know which guest that review is for or where they stayed. I'll have to look up the guest and then go back to the review and have to remember each one.


Plus, it used to be on one page and I could tab between fields to fill out the review. It is now spread out on multiple pages and takes 5 clicks to complete it.


Not sure how this "update" made it through testing, but it's really horrible.

24 Replies 24
Level 10
Orono, ME

Ahhh! Really horrible! 

Level 1
Tamarindo, Costa Rica

This update does nothing other than make the review process take longer.  It is literally the exact same information spread out over 6 pages instead of one.  I have no Idea why they did this, but I would really appreciate it if they went back to the old system.

Level 10
Somerville, MA

I actually disagree a bit. Not about the number of screens... that is just plain silly, but the prompts are so much more neutral. No more "tell Guest Sally what she could have done better" which I think is much better. I hope that they neutralize the prompts on the guest review screens as well. AirBNB likes to pose their prompts in a way that humans search their brains for negative things to say.


I thought this part of the new process was an improvement.

Screen Shot 2019-01-07 at 7.42.21 PM.png



At least on the previous system I knew I was reviewing "Sally" and how to spell her name!

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I also don't know why they have split the same questions over several pages instead of one. Perhaps it's to encourage hosts to put more thought into each answer, but it's really annoying!


I don't have a problem with identifying the guest (and yes, I also have multiple listings) as you've just clicked on the prompt to review that particular guest.


I do agree with @Susan151 too that the wording is a bit better, but only if they do the same thing on the guest side, i.e. stop prompting them to find negatives. Hopefully Airbnb will be extending the courtesy to hosts as they have to guests, but I'm not holding my breath!

Level 2
Miraflores, Peru

The interface to review guests has been change since 08 January 2019 and it is not friendly at all.  😞  horrible! 

Level 2
Clarksburg, MA

I don't like several of the updates. I hate the suggestions, like 100% said easy check in, 95% said great location (I had one person give me a 4 for location). How does this help me as a host? I feel like it's more of a deterrent. Also showing how many people say things like "thoughtful touches" etc or 16 people said it was "sparkling clean" when they can see I have 59 reviews, what does that say to guests. Like 5 stars on everything isn't enough? Not helpful.  

@Molly152, I agree with this in particular. Some guests go through and check haphazardly and others do not tick any of the features. Then, when it shows "95% of guests said this listing was sparkling clean," even though they have checked a 5-star for cleanliness, it appears our place might not be 100% 5-star for cleanliness, which it is. 

My post is referring to the process that hosts have to review guests, not the guest reviews. AirBNB changed the interface and it's very difficult to use now.

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

I also don't like review pages .... and the whole new layout of the hosting dashboard. Everything looks like the mobile version on desktop !


- First , I have to "switch to hosting" every time I open

- Then I don't see the horisontal menu, just a small icon in the right corner , I have to click on it to see the menu

- Then I have to click on the link "hosting dashboard" or  scrool down to find a link I need.

-  Reservation page shows all reservations but now we can't see if we reviewed the guest or not. (I have no idea where we can see it now.)

etc etc...


It says "beta"  uuuuhhhhh AGAIN ?????  I feel like a rat in a laboratory ! Every day some new experiment !


I understand Airbnb has some fancy department where some people are paid to think of new "improvements" all day, every day... but we have other things to do and we just need simple and user friendly website which will serve its primary purpose - get bookings  !

I don't want to play hide and seek games and to search for the page I need, if I would enjoy it I would download some games and play.

@Branka-and-Silvia0  And there is the pesky fact that almost none of their 'improvements' improve anything.  I don't know who or why anyone thinks that changing the basics of the web site every month is a plus.  They aren't adding features or making existing things better, they're changing for the sake of changing and making it always confusing to find the basic functions.  

You don't really have to switch.  You just have to find the word "host" at the top and access the drop-down menu.  Then you can go straight to your inbox, go to the dashboard, check your progress, or look at your calendars.  It's been this way for at least a year and once you're used to it it's pretty easy.

Amen to the original post.  I find it totally stupid that after clicking through 7 screens (can't leave out the "refer a host" screen that I've bypassed 500 times and still see every time) that I'm dumped out to the home page and have to find the Hosting Dashboard yet again.  Total waste of time!


Level 2
Plymouth, United Kingdom

Yes we have found that the new system a bit arbitrary!