Reservation cancellation

Level 2
Atlanta, GA

Reservation cancellation

I have a question about reservations. I had someone who inquired about booking on the 4th for one night. I accepted the request. A day later someone else inquired about booking from the 7th until the end of August. A day later the person who was originally supposed to stay on the 4th for one day wanted to change their request to the 8th(one day). If I accept the change, I then would miss out on the person wanting to stay for the entire month. 


Can someone advise on the best way to handle this situation, as I would want to for sure book the guest who wants to stay for the entire month. What I don't want to do is be penalized by Airbnb for cancelling the reservation. 

8 Replies 8
Level 7
Miami, FL

If he is booked for the 4th he has to request you alter the dates.  Tell him you are not available on the 8th. Perhaps he is interested in staying 4th to 7th.    If that  does not work for him he has to cancel himself.  

You dont  ever cancel anyones revervation.  They have to do it.

You always give great advice, Ricardo. Thank you!
Level 4
Metairie, LA

Hi Alan - 

That's a tough situation and one that, as a host, would not like to get into.  I think if I were faced with your situation, I would tell the one night guest that you have a "pending reservation" for the date that they would like to change to.  This way if the August reservation falls through, you can still make the change.  Then politely ask the second renter if they are ready to make a decision since you have someone asking about some of the days in their trip.  If the August guest makes the resersvation, I would just apologize the the first guest for not being able to accomodate their request to change.  Then they can cancel the original reservation as a guest.  If you are comfortable making a recommendation, you could refer them to another host, or just leave it at that.  I don't think you will get penalized for not accepting a change in reservation.  Just my two cents.

Level 10
Spring, TX

Hello Allan -- 


Most host will tell you to book with first come first served and a bird in the bush is better than...

I would prefer the long term stay because it is alot less work to do.  Consider, the one day stay will require you to clean for that day, and immediately following that day.  Unless you have a very good cleaning fee, is it really worth your time. 


The curious thing that I get very often is that someone will make inquires for someone else, the 1st person providing me with the dates and asking a lot of questions.  Then the 2nd person comes and books. Once I had a couple whose mother did the vetting for the son, stating she would be coming with her husband and son, later stating they're plans were up in the air.  Two days later, the son booked for himself and girlfriend.  All parties were coming for a wedding, and he stated his parents were coming but changed their minds.  So look forward to very curious inquiries, NEVER NEVER EVER CANCEL a reservation and happy hosting.



Level 3
San Francisco, CA

Hi Alan. I'm John. I agree completely with Ricardo.  You accepted a booking for the 4th, for one night.  That is the end of your obligation to that guest.  You had another inquiry for later, for a month.  Even if that person hasnt booked yet, you want them to, and you have that right.   Now your first guest wants to change his date....Simply say you cannot, and tell them the reason...that someone has inquired, and you are giving them approval.  It is up to the 4th booking, to cancel themselves, if they change their minds. Never cancel a reservation, unless it is life and death, as you are penalized. Never absorb someone elses change of plans, as your burden.  It is their burden to cancel, and deal with the complications of it.  I dont think you have any moral dilema at all.  You are simply doing good, honest , straight forward business.  Good Luck with all!  John

Level 2
Baku, Azerbaijan

Hello,today I got message for confirmation, but It was confirmed automatically, could you please help me how to confirm manually

Level 1
Tucson, AZ

Hi Community,

I have been a great host for almost 4 years.  

I realize I made a mistake in accepting a reservation ... and now need to go back to the Guest and tell them why.

The reservation is 6 months away so they will have an ability to make another reservation.

Any advice on how to go back and handle this one?

Thank you!


From following this forum I would say the first rule of hosting is NEVER CANCEL. First reach out to guest and explain. They may be willing!! If they hesitate what has seemed to work for others in similar situations is to get the guest to cancel. In this case doing the leg work to find them alternate Accomidations. If you reach out to other hosts on their behalf they may even be willing to honor your price. Knowing your area and working with other hosts you may able to find them alternate Accomidations that thrusts happy with and will gladly cancel your reservation.

You may want to involve Airbnb to figure out how you can cover the hosts booking fees.
Andrew - see community help guides for many great FAQ