
Level 1
Montreal, Canada


I canceled 1 reservation dating back in February 2017 for someone that had a reservation for July 2017 and due to that I have yet to been able to reach Superhost because that simple cancelation put me at 97% commitment rate and 98% is needed.

Does anyone know when I will be re evaluated? I also think that canceling months, not days, before shouldn't be as harsly "punished". 


3 Replies 3
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

The Super Host penalty, @Vanessa299, is a year, in which no matter your stats, you are not eligible.  So I would think you might be eligible for the April 2018 assessment.

Level 10

@Vanessa299 Any cancellation is bad for a host. Airbnb wants guests to feel that once they have a booking that this commitment will be honored by their host. A cancellation is often very inconvenient for a guest, and this is true no matter how far in advance you cancel. A guest will usually choose a listing after research and looking at other listings on the site. They have to go through all this again when the host cancels. This is why hosts are punished pretty severely for any cancellation.

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Hi Vanessa:


I am in the same boat.  One cancellation, six months in advance, due to a calendar mix up (out of over 50 completed reservations) and I am bounced from Superhost for a year.  I also got a lovely automated "your listing is at risk" message from AirBnB.  Anyone looking at my hosting history/reviews can see I go above and beyond for guests, so that was insulting.  


Having said that, I wouldn't stress too much about it.  Superhost is a joke program designed to push hosts.  It actually gives zero benefit to the host, while raising your stress levels.  I would ignore and move on.  You won't see any impact on your bookings.  Most guests aren't going to click the "Superhost only" button in search becuase A) most don't have a clue what it means and B) why would you limit your search results?  

