Temporary (?) fix for connecting to another host's profile and listing

Level 10
Prescott, AZ

Temporary (?) fix for connecting to another host's profile and listing

As some of us are aware of, for the last few days one cannot click through to another host's profile view, let alone their listing - which is an important step in trying to help with questions and to be accurate in one's advice! I tend to think by now  it's not a glitch, but by design...

Too bad Airbnb is constantly screwing around with their software platform - and not for the better! They only benefit from us hosts helping eachother here and preventing needless reaching out to Airbnb by some members, and we do it as a free service!

Anyhow, it annoys me not to be able to look at someone's listing or to be able to send them a message, so here is what we all need to do for right now: we need to put in a link to our place. I sure hope lots of people will catch on to this before it needs to be repeated endlessly.....




7 Replies 7
Level 10
Watsonville, CA

Excellent idea.




Level 10
New York, NY


Level 10
New York, NY


@Ephraim0 , did you delete your last two posts now?? or is big brother involved?

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Annette33.......No, all @Ephraim0 had to say was a 'full stop' !!!!.....or that's all 'Big Brother' felt was worth leaving!


And one more thing Annette, this lack of profile visibility is also affecting listing search pages. When scrolling through listings the profile is no longer visible on the listing...it only appears when you click on a particular listing, so it is no longer possible to do a host listing search by profile unless you already know the listing......DDrrrrr!!


Level 10
Rhinebeck, NY

Wow! You're right, @Annette33! I just clicked on your image, and although I get a pop up that gives me the option of choosing PROFILE, when I click on it, it takes me to the first page of this forum, whereas in the past it would indeed go directly to s host's profile.


What's up with that??



Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Annette33 Hi again Annette, You are right and I had thought about that when I first discovered this was not just a glitch. At this stage it seems to be only affecting the Community Centre and oh boy, this is sure going to backfire on them......On your hosting page you can still access other profiles so it is a deliberate attempt to limit access on the forum!

Obviously some 'birdbrain' has considered, probably though the Community Voice, that we are 'ganging up' on them.

If we all start posting each others URL's with each post it is a sure bet that they will shut that down as well!


People who are coming here are doing it because they want an answer to, what is for them, a serious issue! Rather than attempt to solve their problems we should just respond with a blanket 'contact Airbnb on******** phone no, Facebook or Twitter. Give them the contact tools they need (which Airbnb are secretive about) and let Airbnb stew in their own juice....cheers.....Rob