Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do...
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Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do you provide a table, or let them eat on the bed. New to Airbnb, ...
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hi marie im a real up front person i love your space ive found another space on airbnb superhost for 395 i like yours so much better can you please get back asap with your final offer i would love to lock this up now thx david Today at 06:25
Quite a pushy approach, I'd say.
"I'm sorry, I don't offer discounts. Best of luck finding something within your budget."
My reply would be I am glad you like my listing but I feel you would be much happier with a property that meets your budget, happy hunting!
“I hope you enjoy the other space,”
Is he 'actually' a host or does his profile 'just' say he is? Check it out.
I'd reply:
"Hi David, We're upfront hosts and our prices are up front too 🙂 We don't do deals but you're welcome to book with us, we also think our place is so much better too! "
Also sounds 'scammy' to me.
@Marie82 i would wish them well and tell them I hope they enjoy the other space they found. Regardless if they are a host or not I feel their request is down right rude,
@Marie82 When he says he's "upfront" what he really means is that he is pushy and demanding. I would be equally "upfront" with him and tell him that you don't do deals on demand and that he should look for somewhere that meets his budgetary requirements.
@Marie82 Or you could have a bit of fun and respond: "I am so sorry but I am unable to offer any discounts to someone who refuses to use punctuation or capital letters. Enjoy the other place that you have found."
No punctuation and no capital letters is better than no punctuation and all capital first letters. Try to read this profile till the end, if you can 😄
😄 😄 😄 😄 😄
@Branka-and-Silvia0 I can't. I gave up at about the third paragraph of strange ramblings, but good for him, he shows me very clearly that he is too weird to be inside my house as a guest, and anyone who can made sense of that writing will probably be his soulmate.