what is the criteria for superhost?

Level 5
Ubud, Indonesia

what is the criteria for superhost?

so I have just lost my superhost status even though I have been 4.8 and 88% 5 star the whole quarter, not even once falling below,  never canceled on anyone, 100% response,  so I am wondering is there some new rule ?


Screen Shot 2019-04-11 at 22.37.57.png

13 Replies 13
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Azzuri0  I hope you are well!


If you go into your progress tab and then look at the Superhost section, is there a difference there in your overall review rating?


The reviews you took a pic of are your reviews since you started hosting- Superhost assessment only takes into account the reviews you have recieved over the past year.



Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia


Azzuri, it may be that you are a victim of the Plus scheme!

I notice you have received an overall 2 star and a couple of overall 3 stars and it is possible that these ratings are having an impact on your Superhost status.

It is probable that Plus guests are going to be harder to deal with in the review system because they expect another level of listing/service and going to be more critical with their review ratings. This could be reflecting in your stats.


As @Paul1255  says the best way to find out is, what stats are in the Superhost section of your 'Opportunities' in 'Progress'! This may give a hint to what has happened to your Superhost status. It will tell where lost ground. Here is a screenshot of what to look for.....

Superhost criteria.png



Good luck Azzuri.



Level 5
Ubud, Indonesia

this is the opportunities, I know I have never fallen bellow 4.8, the only thing I think is possible is a glitch,  I had on 1st April one review removed and that 4 star would have put me to 4.7 and 86 % but it seems it somehow still got counted even though its gone (airbnb removed it becuase it was a third party booking)Screen Shot 2019-04-12 at 08.03.38.png

Level 5
Ubud, Indonesia

I just checked all reviews in 1 st quarter and I had 12 reviews, 11-5 stars and 1-4 star, I just don't understand how is it possible I am kicked out of superhost

@Azzuri0 You need to look at April 1, 2018 - March 31, 2019 for your numbers. You can find the date range under the Opportunities --> Superhost tab.


Screen Shot 2019-04-11 at 8.42.17 PM.png

Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia

@Susan151  Azzuri is looking at the right numbers!

If you look at your current stats page it show the results for the past 12 months but it says we are now in the next assessment period...the current one. If Azzuri clicks that Apr 18-Mar 19  bar it will show exactly what Azzuri has posted.


I would get onto CX @Azzuri0 , and ask them to ammend that if the offending review and ratings were the result of an illegal booking. Don't be to demanding, just politely ask how they can help you get your status back.


But seriously Azzuri, I would really analyse what has happened to your stats since you joined Plus, I personally think you are putting a lot of pressure on yourself!



@Robin4  Azzuri posted the right page the second time (the Superhost page), but if you look at the dates, it's the ratings for the July 1st assessment period. So no, what he posted aren't the correct stats- he needs to change the assessment dates for the period we were just assessed on to appear, as @Susan151 said.

Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia

@Sarah977  @Susan151 

Yeah you are right Sarah and Susan, sorry about that, wrap over the knuckles for me!!!


The one I put up was the current 9 months till now. This is the one I should have put up.......

Maybe then I would have got it right!


Current stats.png

Can I blame senility!!!




Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

Hey even I have 'senior moments' @Robin4  ... I dread to think what I'll be like when I catch up to you ole timer 🙂  Probably sitting in a corner clapping my hands on my chin.

Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia


I preface this by saying ....it's tongue in cheek ok......but!

There is something you perhaps should consider when you make reference about me being an 'ole timer' Ben!

I will eat you under the table!

I will drink you under the table!

I will talk you under the table!

I will outlast you under the table!



And I will out-host you under the table!  :-))


Just a month ago I went for a 20 Km water ski on the Shoalhaven River....and there is not a 'race line' I won't have a crack at here in the Aussie alps!


Although I am going to hit three quarters of a century in 4 months  Ben.....don't think I am a pushover mate!!! ;-))

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

@Robin4 Hahaha great stuff. I should say, this is possibly one of those times when two cultures are noticeably different. Where I grew up (Dorset UK) the term “ole timer” was reserved only for those to whom folks hold a deep respect. It’s akin to being called “the wise boss”, almost as a reminder to all in earshot that the person is someone to defer to.


It’s one of those times when the words don’t equal the sentiment, nor do they translate well on the internet. I will keep this in mind.

Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia

@Ben551 I was only kidding, I don't mind what you call me.....as long as it's not 'early for breakfast'!!



Level 5
Ubud, Indonesia

I don't see the connection between plus and bad reviews, the 2 and 3 was prior to plus anyway due to some construction around the villa.


I actully don't think I ever had a better quarter regarding the reviews,   11 out of 12  5*  should have been enough to keep the superhost.