Our listing is part of our family home, and I have been operating under the assumption that address details are not sent until the check in details are sent... but now I have guests shipping items to our family home in advance of their stay. That is a minor inconvenience - my real concern is security as we live on the property and have a family. Is there a way to change settings so that the address isn't sent to upcoming guests at the time of booking? Thanks
@Mike-And-Dan3 There is only a setting to hide address until the free cancellation period has passed.
It’s incredibly presumptuous of people to
send things to your address. It’s something you shouldn’t allow, and should add to your house rules that you don’t allow it. If this happens frequently, you might even add a line about it to your initial communications with guests.
Don’t accept parcels if they do arrive. Write on them ‘not at this address’ and return them.
Yes, I have the same issue. I'd appreciate any help I can get to fix this problem. I've looked everywhere I can find on the Listing site and cannot find the button to turn off my address being broadcast to anyone who sees the listing.