Entering a rental to drop off supplies late at night

Level 2
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Entering a rental to drop off supplies late at night

Good Afternoon,


So here the story, a guest after check in told me they were missing toilet paper in the bathrooms. I Don't get off work till very late because i'm in the restaurant business. I informed the guest that I will be dropping some off after i get off of work which turns out to be at 130am. 


Before I dropped it off, I knocked on the door with no response (assuming they were sleeping), Crack the door slightly open and then dropped off the toilet paper inside without ever stepping foot inside. 


Was I wrong for doing this?  The guest later complained that I Violated their privacy. Will I get in trouble for this and will this affect me as a Superhost as well?

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Placencia, Belize

It was definitely a mistake, and of course it should serve as a teaching moment. In the future make sure toilet paper is in place and always leave items by the door. I doubt someone would have stolen the toilet paper at 1:30 in the morning.

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4 Replies 4
Level 10
Rawai, Thailand



You are in the wrong entering the property especially that late at night, How come basic essential's like toilet roll's were not checked before the guest arrived?

I have seen guest put a claim in for a refund, It will most likely get mentioned in the review


Another question I have for you, why are have you got a photo of Kuala Lumpur? when you are from Vietnam whats the idea of that? 

Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

@Nhat26  you could have simply left the tp in a bag hanging on the doorknob, and sent them a message explaining that. 

Do you have a listing though? You aren't a superhost, or a host? 

Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

@Nhat26   You were wrong.  NEVER, EVER enter a property when the guest is there UNLESS invited in by the guest.


If I had been your guest and found that you had opened the door or entered the apartment at 1:30 AM I would be calling AirBnB to report you, requesting a refund and moving to a hotel immediately.  I would act the same way if I were in a hotel and the maid came in while I was sleeping.  DO NOT ENTER or even open the door.



Level 10
Placencia, Belize

It was definitely a mistake, and of course it should serve as a teaching moment. In the future make sure toilet paper is in place and always leave items by the door. I doubt someone would have stolen the toilet paper at 1:30 in the morning.