Heating and lighting - do your guests leave without turning them off?

Level 10
Bordeaux, France

Heating and lighting - do your guests leave without turning them off?

Tell me please, am I quite mad in thinking that adult guests may reasonably be expected to turn off heating and lights on departure day? We actually remind them to do so , but regularly find heating and lights left on. I really don’t get it at any time, but especially not now In these days of energy shortages and sky-rocketing prices. I find this behaviour unacceptable. Worse, I know I’m not going to be able to do much about it. Are you faced with the same? Are you resigned, or taking action (maybe mark guests down for not respecting house rules?) All I can say is: Grrrrrrr!!!! 😡

2 Replies 2
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I am a live in host, so I don't normally have to worry about guests leaving stuff on when they depart, unless I am away at the time and then, yes, it is something I worry about. My experience is that a lot of guests leave lights etc. on. Perhaps they do the same at home, I don't know, but I don't think people really care about other people's bills or wallets. That is why so many hotels have the key cards for lights/AC etc. which automatically turn off when the key card is removed from the slot. 


So, I do expect a certain amount of this behaviour, but I wouldn't say I'm resigned to it. It's stated in my house rules and I remind guests about it when they check in. If they repeatedly leave on light unnecessarily, e.g. leave the lights on in their room when they are out all day and night, I will remind them again. Obviously, I do it politely.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

You could get an automated system so you can set timings and temperatures and of course turn it on and off yourself if the guest forgets @Jenny349