Hello airbnb community, I was wondering if anyone had false ...
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Hello airbnb community, I was wondering if anyone had false damage accusations against them after their stay?I have booked a ...
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I just had a guest check out who left a nasty review. Amongst other untruths, she stated that my husband is creepy, and that we watch our guests. Untrue!
All my other reviews are 5 star, and this review changes that and makes us look really bad. How can I get it taken down?
Please help!
Actually the response that AirBnB recommended you make - "I am so sorry that she had this misconception, and as with all our guests, will take her feedback on board to make us better next time."
and which AirBnB claimed would have made you look gracious and diplomatic, would have done nothing of the sort - it would have made you look more like a spineless doormat, avoiding & beating around the bush re. the guests accusations - in fact THAT response, had you given it, would have made me wonder if the guest had it right, that maybe you WERE in fact watching their group of women all weekend!
I'm ALL for being diplomatic & gracious - but when someone lies and slanders, you must be firm & pointed in your response - as you were! Facts matter.
I do hope this all turned out in your favor.
Hi @Rob0
Good morning to you.
Im afraid I disagree with you, that Elizabeth caned her guest....In my opinion Elizabeth did the correct thing in putting across her version of the events.
Particularly disturbing to me is a guest accusing her husband of being creepy and some sort of voyeur which really is NOT on.
We say here in the UK....2 ways to instantly destroy a persons reputation by either
a) calling out the mental health card
b) calling out the sex pest card.
It really is NOT on and Elizabeth has done the hosting community a great service.
If she had not defended her reputation and that if her husband, I too as a prospect guest would be disinclined to book her accommodation.
Elizabeth plainly in my opinion did NOT make her guest look stupid.....the guest is clearly stupid in making 2+2=5 in jumpingbto a wild conclusion that Elizabeths husband is some sort of pervert and totally unacceptable by any guest to make such a slanderous accusation.
As I said before in my host review of one of my more entitled guests....I don’t give 2 hoots about what review you write as I won’t lose any sleep over it as what I have lost is an element of trust in some of the entitled guests Ive had this season etc etc.
In Elizabeth’s case it should have read.....I don’t give 2 hoots about what review you write as I won’t lose any sleep over it as what I have lost is an element of trust in a guest such as yourself, who appears to be hysterically attempting to destroy my husbands reputation!
End of.......
I do agree that you should avoid directly addressing the guest but the only thing I would have changed about your response @Elizabeth290 is that I wouldn't have said this: "Grant Rachel, I am disappointed and sad about this review. I’m hoping that everything else about the week-end was great. I assure you that had you reached out to either of us at the time about your concerns, the matter could have been easily cleared up."
Any perception that is stated as a fact but is incorrect should be addressed, otherwise, potential guests may gain the wrong impression. BTW, I am not a host yet, but as part of my job, I help small nonprofits in dealing with inaccurate negative reviews.
Obviously you never had to deal with anything like that .... DO not give lectures when someone ask for an advice. Sorry but she was nice and tried to accomodate her guest and the guest left happy like nothing happened and later they leave a nasty review to ruin her 5 stars?
That is unethical
Robin, I'm sorry, I respectfully disgree. Elizabeth's response was EXACTLY what should have been written Not only do I check the reviews OF my potential guests, I also read the reviews that the guest has WRITTEN. By reading Elizabeth's response, this guest will never be allowed on my property.
There is some amount of backtracking after you have written your review. You can't change it but you can have it removed. I have done this before and Airbnb didn't question it but if you review doesn't truely represent your experience with the guest then technically it's in violation of the content policy.
As hosts we expect that if we do a good job, our guests will write honest reviews. Sometimes this just doesn't happen and our guests let us down and fail to meet this expectation.
I understand why we can't see reviews until after both parties have written them but it is not unusual for a guest or host to have a different view once reviews have been left.
Unfortunately you can't go back and write an honest review of that guest, but you can make sure undeserved 5 star reviews are removed.
@Elizabeth290, I agree with all the others that your response was zealous, over the top and defensive. While the review does imply that you are voyeuristic and intrusive and that might go beyond AIrbnb's typical response of saying, "It is the guests impression of their stay", your response overshadows it considerably. But you reinforce the guest's stated fear that they should be wary of a man they had not met sayng he was an owner by remarking on all the needed safety features you pointed out to them. Maybe your husbands choice of words was not the best and therefore misunderstood. You can use twitter or google the phone number to get to Airbnb.
May I say on a personal note, I live a few blocks from you, in Olde City, and recognize the photos and know where your house is (not to sound creepy myself). We live in the two most desirable and safest neighborhoods in all of Philadelphia. I have tourists on their way to Betsy Ross' House, Christs Church and Elfreths Alley pass my front door all the time. No one has ever tried to enter my home. We have a dozen federal agencies inbetween us in the US Customs House. We are surrouinded by historic buildings and therefore many cameras and other security of which we are not even aware.. There could not be a safer place in the city. I did not want the others to get a bad picture. Good luck with getting this resolved.
You are so wrong. Yes your response is creepy. A response is needed to guests that are abusive and who break the rules. Everyone knows what surveillance cameras before. This woman uses female privilege by being accusatory. The review should have been removed.
I decided to remove myself from this discussion. I have been a super host almost as soon as we started. And for the record, we have homeless people wandering into our courtyard with some regularity. Sleeping there, peeing there, drinking there... and worse which I won’t go into. Police have been called on more than one occasion. There have been neighborhood meeting with police and city council on how to deal with the homeless. We are currently (with our neighbors) trying to have the nearby garage pedestrian entrances locked as there are drunks keeping warm on the steps, and drugs being smoked. The parking attendant was recently shot in the arm while being robbed.
Additionally the police are often asking to see our neighbors video footage to help them out.
So don’t get me wrong, we love the area. But it is inner city Philadelphia and if you try to pretend this stuff doesn’t happen, well, you are misled.
sorry for this bad review! I had a look at your guest Rachel's profile. She has joined Airbnb in 2014 and the only review on her profile is yours! This is my personal opinion but I consider it a bit cheeky of her having no reviews herself to feel that it is correct of her to write such a review for you. Rather disappointing. I hope she comes by with time.
Thank you
Hello @Elizabeth290 - just wondering how you got on with Airbnb and that review?
Also, did it have any impact on your following bookings (either from the guests or your own practice)?
Best Wishes.
Although it was pushed to the next level, I haven't heard anything back yet.
I followed up with Rachel, very politely, and didn't hear back from her either.
I'll be calling Airbnb again!