How do I remove a slanderous review

Level 3
Bryn Mawr, PA

How do I remove a slanderous review

I just had a guest check out who left a nasty review.  Amongst other untruths, she stated that my husband is creepy, and that we watch our guests.  Untrue!  


All my other reviews are 5 star, and this review changes that and makes us look really bad.  How can I get it taken down?


Please help!

137 Replies 137

For what is worth, I didn't find your response at all negative or aggressive as others are saying. If I were looking at your place I would appreciate the clarification that your surveillance is only exterior. That should have been where your response ended, probably. 

Thanks!  That would have been much cleaner.

I, for one, am with you, Elizabeth.  If I saw that review, in which she states flat out "HE TOLD US THEY HAD BEEN WATCHING US ALL WEEKEND," I would definitely think twice (at least) before booking.  And had you answered the review with some generic smooth-talk that didn't even address the actual accusations, I'd have trusted you a lot less. As it was, the way you answered, I feel completely confident you are telling the truth.  


Some people naturally are exceptionally conflict-avoidant, to the point of feeling it's better to avoid the truth if it comes across somewhat uncomfortably.  Others of us naturally just want plain, straight talk. I would much rather hear a host say "Wait a minute! This just isn't true" than "Gosh, I'm sorry we see things differently."  What good will that do to put a potential guest's mind at ease?


And the fact that they were there past check-out time was crucial to know, too.  It's now many months later; my comments probably won't make any difference.  But I feel that, with the response you wrote, you don't need to have the review removed. You answered the attack with dignity.  

You should be able to remove your own response. That said, I know the standard is to do a generic short, Oops, we're sorry, we'll try harder, kind of response, but in this case, security was raised as an issue. That changes the game a bit.


A group of women saying that they were being surveilled without their knowledge really IS slanderous so I'm inclined to say that although long, your response was good. You laid out a very clear ground work for what your security system really IS as opposed to what these guests said it is. I would leave your response as is. 


You know, as hosts we're human. Always taking the Hallmark way out of a conflict just doesn't seem apropos all the time.

Yes Elizabeth they will remove your response to a review

Level 2
Charter Twp of Berlin, MI

Your response was spot on and needed! They treated you very unfairly and guests need to know that. Additionally, other hosts need to be aware! 

Rob, Elizabeth's bad review may not slide into obscurity.  Airbnb is rolling out a change on the platform (I discovered this today) which allows a guest to click on 3 different options: 1) all reviews, 2) highest reviews and 3) lowest reviews.  This false and damaging review will likely be the first review people will see when they start to browse this section.


Elizabeth, I am so sorry you got such a crappy review.  I don't blame you at all for being emotional and wanting the truth to be out there.  I  will pray that Airbnb just makes it all go away, or at least that the "lowest review" feature dissappears so that this will fade into obscurity and won't continue to haunt you.  Big hugs to you.


I've attached my screenshot so you can see this change/3 review options.png

Thank you for the hugs.

This whole thing has been costing me sleep. I'm going to put my energies elsewhere, and thankfully I have a lot of confirmed bookings coming up that should help put this into perspective.  

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Thanks so much for posting that Karin....that does not appear to hopsts in this part of the world. I find Airbnb's method of dealing with reviews to be more bizzare by the day. Why any company would want to talk down it's business is totally beyond me.

This is the exact same page I see as of right now'.......Reviews 5.png


I see information concerning reviews which is totally different to is a screenshot of my stats page.....

Star  ratings.png


I can track from each of these categories which guests gave me what star ratings in each do not get that ability!

I can even scroll what overall star rating each guest has given me in one simple box. I do not see a highest, lowest review category the way you do and Karin, Airbnb are to be damned for that! You may be your part of the world Elizabeths review (regardless of her response) my haunt her for a long time......And Karin I am truly saddened by that!


Star ratings 3.png

Clicking each rating will only show guests who gave you a star rating in that particular category.  

I am more and more convinced this platform is doomed because the more you abuse your bread and butter to more you risk your idea being highjacked as your bread and butter decides enough is enough!

I just wish this site was not run by stupid kids who understand X Box but little else. The human side of Airbnb is fast becoming a myth....Thanks for that screenshot Karin, it just makes me weep a little bit more for the Airbnb we used to have!


Well with this update makes sense to fight every bad review. 




Thank you for doing this. We all know being a host is not easy and Rob is not very understandable. I am not sure what would he do if somone will trash his place and will leave a bad review as well. Would he just leave it? 

Level 3
London, United Kingdom



Your response was fine.  There is nothing you can do to remove the review, but those that come after will recognise it for what it is.  


Good luck!

I absolutely agree, arguing with guests is never a good idea.  I would recommend calling airbnb immediately and ask their customer service people for advice on how to write a review.

I think it was perfectly proper for Elizabeth to reply the way she did.  Any reference to someone being "creepy" is way out of bounds, and Elizabeth had every right to defend her husband and her rental the way she did.  Reading only the review would make me suspecious, especially if I was a woman renting.  But then reading Elizabeth's response puts it all into context and allays any concerns.  

Thank you. So nice to have support. 


I have pretty much left this site by now. - currently trying to figure out how to close my account. The amount of bashing others I have seen going on on this site is beyond disgusting. People are asking for advice - I think we should be able to offer and receive advice without getting all judgemental.  I have rarely seen people being courteous and helpful,  I have done very well following my instincts, and we have been very successful on Airbnb.   

Anyway, we are done soon with Airbnb as we are moving into our property.