How to block unwanted guests...

Level 10
Quilcene, WA

How to block unwanted guests...

After a protracted back-and-forth with CS, I think I have learned the secret to reliably uncovering the guest blocking feature!


1) Do it from Google Chrome

2) Do it from the message thread with the guest you want to block, NOT their profile

3) Report as "They're being offensive" -> "They're being abusive or hostile" [For "describe the situation" be sure to clarify that they are not (if they are not) but that you just want to block them.]

40 Replies 40
Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

The guest block feature has always been hidden a bit. I don’t quite know why...


I personally wish it was possible to manually add people to the block list. I have seen some horrific photos of damage caused by guests on the Blacklist, yet I can’t add these people to my block list.  People can make new accounts to avoid this, I know, but I’d like a record of known bad guests in my own settings somewhere.


I feel sorry for the people in Chicago at the moment, with the huge ring of party sellers booking people’s homes and selling tickets... the Blacklist team almost can’t keep up.


Another option for a Instant Book hosts is to give a guest a “thumbs down”. This prevents the guest from Instant booking with you and some other hosts (ones that require positive reviews).



@Ben551  Seriously, you don't know why, or were you being facetious? Airbnb doesn't want us to block guests- they want us to accept everyone, no matter how objectionable.

@Lisa723  Thanks for info. Never had to block a guest, but gonna file this away in case I ever have to.

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

@Sarah977 yeah, that was me having a dig. They are blatantly hiding basic protections like this.


For me it’s bigger than just the consequences to hosts, there are social consequences when you see how this lack of protection, and one sided regulation, works to enable crime (the Chicago example). How many drugs need to be sold to kids at illegal Airbnb parties before they wake up?

Unfortunately we're one of those Chicago hosts that have to contend with this.  Fortunately we were able to somewhat curtail what could have been an absolute disaster with a couple of our early bookings.  In both cases I believe the guests didn't realize we live on the premises (we airbnb our basement).  With the first one we went down early on to confront them after smelling weed.  Saw through the crack of the door that there were more individuals than the six that were supposed to be there (they wouldn't open the door all the way).  They toned things down a little after that.  I also believe that the party would have been much much larger had we not been there.  The second case I happened to be in China for business.  My partner had to work that night and just didn't trust these guests.  He came home about 1:00 in the morning just to check up on things and broke up a party.  He actually kicked everyone out except the two that booked.  Waited there until they all left.  We've since made a few adjustments and added a few rules such as minimum two night stays, no visitors and noone who lives within 50 miles of Chicago.  Since we've made these adjustments we haven't had this issue (so far anyway...we're still new at this).

Where do you find the thumbs up or down?  We need a way to block folks. Some come to deliberately ruin our reputations. I just had one that was going across country and will then go back across, doing this everywhere. Also have had local Air bnb folks trying to destroy the competition. We need some kind of protection  


Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Sarah977 I’ve only blocked one guest for a real reason (denied damage) but I block any guest who doesn’t leave a five-star review, which to me is a rational response to an irrational review system.


Hi @Lisa723 

This is the what I was looking for when I found this thread.  I had 2 guests this month leave me a great reveiw, but then 4 stars because  <1>  I couldn't extend there booking due to a following booking and they were upset they had to leave and <2>  they made a mistake and meant to book another day, but i was already booked that night.  I guess my question is can i block them without them knowing?  or do they get a note saying they have been blocked?  I don't want to host someone again that is going to retaliate like that.  I work too hard.  What do you say when you give a reason?  Thanks!

@Janice146 they will not get any notice. Unfortunately Airbnb's options for reasons for blocking are inadequate. So, pick "They're being offensive" -> "They're being abusive or hostile" [For "describe the situation" be sure to clarify that they are not (if they are not) but that you just want to block them.]

Excellent. Thanks!

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

@Lisa723are you sure you block him this way.... or just report him?


It works....I tried it.  After reporting the post, you will get a prompt, asking you if you want to block the guest.  Just click YES.   😉

Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Branka-and-Silvia0 Yes, I’m sure.

Level 10
Margaret River, Australia

This only works if the feature actually works. And it seems not to. Every time I try to report/block someone I get an error message and get nowhere. I’m tempted to think it’s deliberate.

@Christopher-and-Elisa0 you have followed the three steps above and it still doesn’t work for you?