Hi! I have a potential guest with 2 negative reviews out of ...
Hi! I have a potential guest with 2 negative reviews out of 36 stays, giving them an overall rating of 4.8. The last negative...
I have been busy telling others what great guests we have had this year, and all of a sudden this comes along.
It wasn't an Airbnb request so I can decline it without fear of retaliatory action!
I know it's every travelers duty to try and strike the best bargain they can, but I can't ever recall getting a booking request with quite this many demands/requests before.
This was one of the easiest hosting decisions I have ever had to make!
I appreciate any guest who read the listing and has questions before making a reservation. This one is quite a doozy though. The most challenging would be providing some kind of car port. I think if host decide to include food they should be clear about the exact options and not just expect everyone to have the same diet. So while host is just trying to do something extra for the guest it opens up a wide range of challenges and expectations. This one just seems wacky. The celiac that I've met are very frustrated with the entire gluten free fad and I don't think they would trust a host to understand how serious it is for them. In my city that has a lot of vegan and vegetarian options, there are only a handful of bakeries or supermarkets that would have a single vegan gluten free item. But this one did at least read the discription. I think most vegans would just want to make sure no food that included animals or animal byproducts when to waste. I find it very challenging to keep listing accurate and meet expectations. If I provided food I would have to include that it the rates. I recall you also included food in your cost spread sheet. If they don't eat it some will assume its going to be wasted. I provide a place for them to prepare their own meals. I have the exact opposite problem, our city only allows a microwave in a STR, as most guest will just try and cook hamburgers. I don't want to include a grill as that's more work and vast majority of my guest just eat out. If I was in more remote place I would have to have a grill. But for that kind of food selection, three cheeses, fruit, veggies, and full on breakfast would be at least $15 cost, so would opt for the lower rates for guest and let them buy their own food.
I normally answer these we-may-do-you-the-favor-of-booking inquiries with one dot and kind of set them up when trying to book (I am on IB). Even ignoring doesn't prevent them from trying to book, but when they try to do so they see is booked up at least for the next year.
The next message from them usually is: "This place is booked for the next year, why didn't you tell us!"
I follow with - you guests it - another dot.
I had an email a few weeks ago claiming that in 2013 (realy) i deliberatly lowered one night's price to get a five star review. Despite being a superhost for six years.
Yet this goes undetected!!!!!
BTW. I have no idea why my font switched to italics half way through typing this. 🙂
The guest still manage to create a "grand finale" to complete the message - "...we are.. on a strict budget... would it be possible ..to offer a small discount...." 😲😂
@Robin4 You turned them down! Wow! They sound like a dream. Spend your life savings to build them a garage, shop five stores to make sure their needs are met, house their dog and all at a discount. Doesn't EVERY host have that built into our budgets? 😁
Lol! This is the funniest story I've heard but alas, there a lot of people like that out there. Somehow convinced we are all a concierge service.
You should have said yes, I can stock the food. "The charge will increase the room rate by $250/day."
Some of these messages from guests give me flashbacks to online dating....
"I am divorced with no job and live in my sister's basement. I have a crazy ex who wants me to pay child support for 5 kids so I don't work. I have had some run-ins with the law but it wasn't my fault. I like to describe myself as "powerfully built" but don't have any interest in going to a gym or anything like that.
I am looking for a very attractive woman who is super fit, very physical, earns six figures and can cook all my favorites. So what do you have to bring to the table? Tell me more about why I would want to meet you...."
Seriously. Some people live in fantasy land.
That just screams of someone with an hour to spare and sat down to write a profile so obnoxious that not a woman with any sort of mental stability would respond to it.
But, you know, the ridiculous thing about that Laura.....if it was genuine, he probably got a taker!
The crazy way the human mind works!
But you are right some guest requests are not that far removed from that....perhaps we should suggest they join a dating site instead of Airbnb!
I've been in business for myself for over 40 years Even though I'm not a heavy load with client clients are clients turnover and over I could see this one coming you this 1 coming down the shoot very good very quickly It's to be nothing but trouble I would definitely forego Is any hosting for this person if they are that needy to start out with after three days three weeks or three months will you be serving them breakfast in bed and giving a pedicure before lunch walking and grooming their dog etc etc I'm sure the list will not end