It is possible that a guest provide star rating but skip written review?

Level 10
Montreal, Canada

It is possible that a guest provide star rating but skip written review?

Greetings everyone, 


It is possible that a guest can provide us with a star rating (a bad one!)  but skip the written review


Yes? No? Maybe, depends? 

Very curious. 


Any help, ideas or comments would be appreciated. 




Top Answer
Level 10
Orono, ME


Yes. The reviewer can simply not enter text into the "written review" field. The review used to default to "." but I have recently noticed that in some cases no characters are written at all. 

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17 Replies 17
Level 10
Orono, ME


Yes. The reviewer can simply not enter text into the "written review" field. The review used to default to "." but I have recently noticed that in some cases no characters are written at all. 

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

Deleted! - @Emilia42 has superseded my info! 🙂

Level 10
Montreal, Canada

Thanks @Emilia42

I have a hunch about a guest who says everything ok;  calm on the surface in written communication but seething with anger  in face-to-face behaviour.  Actions speak louder than words, right?    I was wondering if the guest could write  few words (or no words!) and then give poor star rating.   For example, "It was a bad stay", or "Not clean", "Too cold".   Makes it difficult for a host to counter-reply to such few words.  


@Harold75 If a guest completes a review even with no text, you should still be able to see the stars they gave you in each category, as well as compliments, if any, and private feedback...just as with any review. Though, there is no option to respond to a review with no text. If there is even only one word, the option to reply appears. If a guest leaves simply an emoji instead of text, it will appear as a blank review and you would have no option to respond. A guest wouldn't be able to assign stars without completing the usual review process. 

@Colleen253 What do you mean he wouldn't be able to respond? Like the option isn't available? Or it would sound awkward to respond to nothingness? 

When there is no text in a review, the 'reply' button is not present.  @Emilia42  


If ever you get a review like that try to see if Airbnb will remove it. It may take a few tries with different customer service reps but it is possible. Also, you have an option to respond. But don't rant and rave. You can always post the review here so we can give your feedback on your response. 

I had a guest recently leave me glowing private feedback and simply a thumbs up emoji instead of written text in his review, unfortunately. I could see the stars he assigned me, and the compliments, so in that regard it was a review like any other. But his review appears blank on my listing. When I look at the review in my reviews folder, I see the emoji, but because there is no written text, I can't respond. The 'reply' button is non existent. @Emilia42  @Harold75  

Hi @Colleen253

Thank you for sharing your real world experience.  This is what interests me.  A blank written text followed by the stars assigned.  So , yes, I see your point you cannot respond to the guest. 

It is odd.  

I thought Airbnb would have a character minimum (140 characters etc. ) that triggers the respond to guest.  

One thing occurs to me. If you have a review removed, do the stars go too?  I didn't try to have this guests review removed as he was happy with the stay. @Emilia42 

@Colleen253 That is very interesting that you cannot reply in those circumstances. I didn't know that but I've never tried. 


It only makes logical sense to me that when a review is removed that all components are removed. CS only has the option to click a delete button. There have been a few cases local to me where a listing has a 4.75 rating because of a recent bad review. A few days later it shoots back up to 5.0 and the review is gone. So I can only assume. But I have read a few postings on here where hosts are adamant that is not the case. I don't know if they are confused or they are correct.

Hi @Emilia42 

It might make logical sense when a review is removed that all components removed.  But in practice I think it is hit and miss like you point out. 

@Emilia42  That’s why I’m wondering if the two actually go hand in hand, or not.


Logic and Airbnb certainly don’t go hand in hand after all 🙄

Hi @Colleen253 

That's an interesting point.. if the review is removed, do the stars go?