My listing, is being suppressed despite being a Superhost w...
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My listing, is being suppressed despite being a Superhost with 60+ 5-star reviews. Support refuses to provide a real explana...
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I am at awe and at a loss. My home has been absolutely trashed and destroyed. I have cat and dog piss and poop damage to the point everything has to be replaced. I had two assessments and they both said - must be replaced, furniture and all carpets. The place is hazardous. The TV was stabbed 13 times. Every nook and cranny has pee and poop in it. Sofa, recliner, pillows, comforters, everything and i mean EVERYTHING is saturated in piss. There is so much pee in here that your feet are wet when you walk throughout the house. I found drugs, it was smoked inside on top of everything. The dog was never taken out for the whole time they lived here, so imagine the stink and misery. The damages so far are over $14K. The support from AirBnb has been non existent. I got charged a cancellation fee for canceling on the future guests as the place is unlivable. I have sent numerous emails, photos, videos, invoices. It has been over a week and still no resolution. My home is vandalized and wrecked. Any advice and direction is greatly appreciated as I am at a loss...
I’m so sorry for this horrible nightmare. Have you contacted your Homeowners Insurance? Some or all of the expense might be covered.
I hope you contacted your local police department and at least filed a report and gave them whatever information you have on the “guests”.
Thank you 🙏🏽 I did file a police report. My homeowners insurance are not able to do much as hey said this was Airbnb and they have the coverage. It’s been a nightmare, and I no longer can wait for the repairs as living in this is impossible and I need my home fixed. I’m not able to rent it or live in it.
That's a cop-out by your insurance company. As far as I know, Airbnb does not offer any type of insurance or other "coverage". "Aircover" is none of those things.
Read the fine print. Then send it to your insurance company and ask them what "coverage" they're referring to.
Thank you! Insurance won't cover any damages as they said this is Airbnb's responsibility.
What a nightmare! I have no solution to this predicament; however, I, too, would start with the police.
Homeowners insurance does not cover this, as it is a business activity, per my insurance agent. Anyone operating a business in their home needs a business policy, which can often be obtained from the same agency. Our home is normally our largest investment. This business has built in risk potential, as you and so many others have found.
Do please follow up with us all, here.
Thank you for your feedback! Yes, you are correct insurance is not willing to do much in this case as it was Aribnb. They told me if I had rented on my own, I would have some coverage but since it is Airbnb, they told me they can't and won't do anything about it. I am yet to hear on any resolution or feedback from Airbnb on the reimbursements. At this point I have lost all of my renting opportunity for the summer, so my losses are reaching over $20k...I am honestly at awe.
Oh my god!
Naturally, Airbnb will stay as distanced from this as they can. Plus charge you for the cancellations. So much for "AirCover".
But you know, one thing they fear most is media coverage. Call your local tv station get them to do a news report, then have it uploaded to YouTube and TikToc. Then you'll get some attention 😲
Thank you. I have filed a police report and thinking of reaching to the local news as this person is probably destroying someone else’s home. There was a child living in this on top of everything, and the poor animals…I’m honestly at awe what I have gone through to provide Airbnb with invoices and estimates. I am loosing two weeks of work, the mental toll this is taking on me and thousands of dollars in loss and still nothing…where is the protection for the host? Why are we paying fees if there is no protection???? Ugh…thank you
Thank you! I have reached to the police and planning on reaching out to the local media first thing tomorrow morning. This is getting to be absurd.
Hi @Milena517
In addition to you as host, I feel so sorry for the poor animal(s) as well. Is it possible to get animal welfare involved?
Thank you. This is my next step to call animal services and DHS as well since there was a child living in this and the amount of pipes and drugs I found here was not appropriate condition for a kid or anyone for that matter to be living in. I am honestly amazed that after all photos, videos, invoices, estimators and reports I have provided Airbnb I am still being told it’s not enough. Where is the host protection? My place is unlivable and I keep getting passed on from employee to employee…I’m beyond amazed from this.
I would suggest just as a precaution if you have a concern about safety of a minor or animal that you also file a police report. The police have the responsibility and experience to correctly deal with such a serious matter.
Thank you! Unfortunately, where I am based I have to report to each entity separately. The police can only assist with vandalizing, damage and the drugs, but they can't do anything about the kid or the animals. So I have followed up with the other parties with the hope there is some solution here...
I am sorry but you need to contact the police again. It is illegal activity at your property, abuse of a minor or an animal is illegal. Getting too involved in which state agencies are notified may involve you in liability.