
Level 2
Tonawanda, NY


Hello. My last 3 guests did not leave a review. They were all great guests and would have them again. I was previously a Super Host but that status changed, I believe, due to closing down the calendar for a bit for minor renovations and maintenance. My most recent guests due to stay in 6 days just cancelled. Is this a trend? 
Thank you, Steve. 

Top Answer

I agree with Marie. Lovely place and amazing you've got near 5 star perfect rating. Well done!

Did you ask the cancelled guests for your information why they cancelled?

As for loss of super host, probably not having a certain amount of bookings did impact that, HOWEVER you are rated Guest favourite, and that's what guests now search on and is more ranked. So I wouldn't worry too much given your rating...


I will say that often its what guests won't say that is what you need to hear. And if you don't ask, they will never tell. Certainly if I don't get a review from a booking within a week, alarm bells go off in my head. I prod with a gentle reminder, but always say, if there were issues you didn't want public, because many guests don't like confrontation, please tell me privately. I had it happen this weekend. No review, do my usual gentle reminder, get a list of issues back that I wasn't aware of that I need to check. Some valid, some not so valid, but it's all learnings. I'm always learning.

The downside of prodding for a review is that you might not get 5 stars, and my last example, the guy gave me the 4 star kiss of death. If I hadn't prodded, probably at least wouldn't have got a 4 star, but at least got the feedback. Everything comes with a price I guess. Even though i HATE 4 star hurts, but always better to know for the future.

You could even message past guests and ask them for feedback on what they would improve. I did this recently with mixed success. Even setup an online survey, didn't get much response and not even what I thought, but at least it was good to know.


Hope this helps

Kind regs Mary


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2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


I haven't felt that trend.  You have excellent reviews and a beautiful property.

When I am slow I always look at my review  comments I figure that's what a guest does.

What to me is noticeable is excellent reviews mostly about you not the cabin rented and not a shared with you rental.

You are a great host but I want to know clean, not hot,, or comfortable beds.  What should I expect?   When my guests review me more than my review even if 5 stars,  I politely start a  conversation with then.  I have found silly things easily fixed  like bedroom  didn't have a mirror.  So I now boast a mirror.    Sometimes if you don't ask the Guests you don't realize something simple makes a big deal.  My husband was so  proud of his sheet  find at Costco.  I  added to  my listing truthfully  because I was laughing.  A few weeks later a   lady booked and she told me because I listed Costco  cotton sheets.  She has booked with me 3 times now.  Husband is laughing at me haha.

I agree with Marie. Lovely place and amazing you've got near 5 star perfect rating. Well done!

Did you ask the cancelled guests for your information why they cancelled?

As for loss of super host, probably not having a certain amount of bookings did impact that, HOWEVER you are rated Guest favourite, and that's what guests now search on and is more ranked. So I wouldn't worry too much given your rating...


I will say that often its what guests won't say that is what you need to hear. And if you don't ask, they will never tell. Certainly if I don't get a review from a booking within a week, alarm bells go off in my head. I prod with a gentle reminder, but always say, if there were issues you didn't want public, because many guests don't like confrontation, please tell me privately. I had it happen this weekend. No review, do my usual gentle reminder, get a list of issues back that I wasn't aware of that I need to check. Some valid, some not so valid, but it's all learnings. I'm always learning.

The downside of prodding for a review is that you might not get 5 stars, and my last example, the guy gave me the 4 star kiss of death. If I hadn't prodded, probably at least wouldn't have got a 4 star, but at least got the feedback. Everything comes with a price I guess. Even though i HATE 4 star hurts, but always better to know for the future.

You could even message past guests and ask them for feedback on what they would improve. I did this recently with mixed success. Even setup an online survey, didn't get much response and not even what I thought, but at least it was good to know.


Hope this helps

Kind regs Mary