Hi ! I am a super host for about 2 years now! Airbnb issue a...
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Hi ! I am a super host for about 2 years now! Airbnb issue a vat invoice for every singe reservation! Suddenly for only one r...
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I've enabled Professional Hosting tools but still can't send attachments to the email alias - how are we expected to communicate???
You need to confirm the use of email-communication (select the checkbox, see link below).
You can sent attachments also via the Airbnb message system.
(only to guests with a confirmed reservation)
I did this and it still does not work - replying to the alias still has attachments
stripped off.
I don't see any option to add an attachment in the messaging facility - even after enabling it on the "Professional Tools" panel.
Cutting and pasting the document directly into the email works for me, rather than sending an attachment.
10+ pages - just not practical
@Nick2190 I have always had to send a hand-drawn map to guests, as my place is difficult to find.
I also had issues having it attach to that coded email address Some guests got the attachment, some didn't. So I just explained that to guests and ask for their personal email address, also giving them mine. No guest has ever balked at that.
Yes - resorted to this - Seems like this is the ONLY way - totally ridiculous!
Anyone know how to report a real problem to the powers at be???
@Nick2190 I actually don't find it objectionable to exchange email addresses with guests. And when great guests leave, I tell them to just email me if they want to come back and they can book directly.
It's not objectionable - but does make hosts look unprofessional. AirBnB should have a working facility.
@Nick2190 It doesn't make hosts look unprofessional when you let the guest know it's necessary because Airbnb's email feature is glitchy. Just put the blame where it belongs.
@Nick2190 Selecting all the text in a document and pasting it in an email can be done with 2 mouse clicks.
May I ask what you send to guests that is 10 pages long? It is enough of a problem getting guests to read anything, let alone 10 pages. 🙂
The house manual - can't force them to read it - but that's then their choice. If you don't tell them and they break something because they didn't know - that's then your choice - and cost.