Star rating for guests

Level 4
Umeå, Sweden

Star rating for guests

For each guest review, a host is asked to give a star rating for the guest's cleanliness and communication.

However, when looking at a guest's profile, the star rating for these aspects is not visible.

How can I as a host see these ratings prior to accepting a booking?

If it is not visible, than what is the value of completing these questions?

110 Replies 110

@Momi0I like this idea of rating guest with a star system! Do you do it as private feedback or on their public review? Is it possible to post an example please? Thanks, Michele

Level 2
Lisbon, Portugal

We conclude this is proof that Airbnb is many times unbalanced between guests and hosts, being the platform more protective of guests than hosts. Yes, hosts are making money while guests are spending it but it is a high valued rental nonetheless. The hosts pass a big all time scrutiny, while guests are not reprehended as much. Experienced hosts learn how to read between the lines and blanks, to know when a previous host did not enjoy having those guests.


Hosts should be warned of bad guests as much as guests are warned about bad hosts, reviews are structural to the platform so why ask us to star people if it's not public?  It's not a bit motivator to give the guest a review if he / she doesn't write one of their own. And if the guest would have a collection of bad reviews he or she simply can open a new clean account while with the host is not that simple. 


Also agree with the lack of fields to review a guest, it's unprobable to give a bad rating to cleanliness and a 5 star rating to house rules on the same review. It should have arrival and overall experience as well. And mostly those reviews have to be public or the only conclusion to take, is for Airbnb business benefit while hosts risk much more than guests.



@Vera-and-Roger0   Hi  - I was sent a copy of your post because I was on this thread in May and was wondering if you had read my earlier post.  Here's what I am doing in my reviews so other hosts can clearly see their exact STAR RATING ...I actually do this IN THE PUBLIC REVIEW and in private I write to the guests to remind them on how they can be a better guests in my home or others next time they use Airbnb.  Some have responded with maturity and a few have written me saying..."You care too much about electricity cost and dirt. And my reply....well last time I checked, its my house and my rules were clear.  (hahaha)


Arrival  - 5 Stars

Cleaniness  - 3 Stars

Respect of House Rules - 4 Stars

Fun to be Around - 5 Stars.

Overall - 4 Stars


This is just an example of how I write it, but under each one, I write exactly why I gave them those specific stars.  A guest can have great communication but be incredibly messy.    Make sense?   IF someone shows up too early, they automatically get 4 stars....especially when I am very clear in my messages more then once that Check in is 3p.m.   Lately I have had some PERFECT GUESTS...and said so in their reviews.  Some guests I have even offered a FREE night just to host them again...that's how great they were to have around. I put that in their Private feedback that I have one more gift for them to show my appreciation.  They are always so surprised to read that.  Because as I remind everyone, while its nice to make money, its even better to host AWESOME people from around the world.  My latest guests from Madrid Spain will be our friends for life.  Maybe you could try to do this too when you write your next review.   And maybe just maybe, it will get AIRBNB attention to change how we can see the guests Star review ratings, right?  🙂

Aloha, Momi - Superhost in Hawaii #LiveThere

If you feel that me or another host have helped you, feel free to click on the "thumbs up" button at the end of any post. Thank you so much.

Aloha, Momi

Great way to contact Airbnb or via Twitter at AirbnbHelp / Facebook

Level 2
Georgia, United States

Thank you Momi0 for posting this.  I just had my first complaint from a guest about a review I gave her, so this makes much more sense and  shows guests how they are rated!  She thought that since she saw dogs and children being acceptable at my Other property, that she didn't Need to Let Me Know she was bringing BOTH to our cabin which clearly states that it is only big enough for one or two adults and  only has one bed!

Thanks for your suggestion!


Level 3
Noosa Heads, Australia

Yes, I'm still wondering why it is that guests - and the public in general - can see hosts star ratings but we as hosts, are not able to see the ratings of a guest?? I'd love to see completion of profile, location, etc. of a guest as mandatory so that we have something more to gauge a guest by than just an image and the date they joined Airbnb, assuming they have no reviews - which is the case of many of my guests. They have nearly all been fabulous guests, the least fabulous in 2 cases being hosts! Albeit inexperienced.

Level 2
Largo, FL

new host here   how do i see reviews of guests prior to accepting??? help

Level 9
Berkeley, CA

Sean, this question was answered a few times by others in this thread: you can see guest reviews on their profile page, assuming they have received reviews. This thread is devoted to determining why, as hosts, we are asked to rate guests with stars in addition to writing reviews, yet those stars are not made visible on the guests' profiles, as they are for host's rooms/houses/etc. I'm guessing that Airbnb thinks giving people stars is bad form, while it's acceptable to give places stars. If so though, why are we asked to rate guests with stars in the first place?

Level 1
Belgrade, Serbia

Other hosts can see if guest has negative review but not how many stars.

I think the review for host is more important, and there you can see what really people think about apartment /house.

In general all my guest from airbnb where very intersting and nice people. Very good in communication and very polite. Some young people needed more help at first until they got used to the area and how to go around but the old town is very easy to walk and get to all the intersting places.  I am very pleased to be a host and as a guest in airbnb.

Level 1
Athens, OH

Do you have any questions?

Level 1
Athens, OH

Room integrity and guest credit

Level 1
Vilnius, Lithuania

Maybe guest can see stars when you rate them and its only for them to see if they was clean, communicative and etc...

Level 1
Vilnius, Lithuania

i have got a message, that I was not actepting the rules, after I have got an email from my guest (he wrote me it, as he didnt knew, that it is not posible to do in airbnb, as he was using airbnb for the first time), who didnt made a reservation and was waiting for my answer. he was going to made reservation on a system from hos father account.

what I have to do now, as airbnb think, that I was going to communicate in another platform?

Level 1
Cluj-Napoca, RO

Your questions are valid. 


I personally give pretty much everyone 5 stars...the vast majority of people are good and very good about it, with the exceptional few who return the place spotless...


Cant say that I had many bad experiences so...

Level 5
Baguio City, Philippines

Yes, of course I agree!

Even my former guests book through airbnb when they come back to our place!  when we have contact outside airbnb, I ask them to book thru your site. If  others ask outside airbnb, I provide them with all my links to your site. If they do not book through you, I do not accept their reservation, for security reasons.

Many prospective guets cannot book because they cannot see my other listings on airbnb so I email them all the links. This helps you get more bookings! I have asked that all my listings be shown together but I got no reply.

"Your past activities on this platform have breached the rules and regulations by exchanging messages with a guest outside the platform. We will overlook this action as pardon but you have to login and agree to obey the rules and regulations henceforth. Kindly leave your comments on the message box when you login. "

Kind regards,
