I had a guest who lied about the amount of people on his reservation, to get a cheaper price. The guest was very upset when he realized that I lived at the property. He made a reservation for 1 person then showed up with 5 then switched it to three and decided he would sneak the other 2 people in. The guest offered to pay me out side of the air BNB app and I refused. He leaves a week early doesn’t notify me nor Air BNB and there refunding him half of his pay out and won’t remove his negative review from my listing, which consist of nothing but lies. I’ve proven this over and over. These ambassadors are becoming rude and won’t tell me why a refund is warranted or where I went wrong. Please help ! Who’s above these ambassadors because they’re not making ethical decisions and supporting their super host the way they should. We should be treated better than this.