What do you think are reasonable checkout instructions?

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Terneuzen, Netherlands

What do you think are reasonable checkout instructions?



Hi everyone, 


From the moment a booking is made, clear communication is key to a smooth and pleasant stay for both you and your guests. Checkout instructions are no exception to this.


Each Host will have different requirements, based on the property listed, the amenities offered, their hosting routine, house rules, or whether they charge a cleaning fee or not. You need to decide what checkout time, lockup instructions, and how much as well as what to clean is required of your guests. It can be quite challenging to find the right balance of enough to suit your needs, while not excessive so guests can fulfill your asks easily at the end of their stay.


What do you think are reasonable checkout instructions?


We’d love to hear what your ask guests to do upon checkout, whether you’ve had to adjust that over your time hosting and any tips you have that might be handy for other Hosts!






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1 Best Answer
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I don't ask guests to do anything on check out other than to leave the key and close the front door if I'm not around to say goodbye to them in person. I might mention the guest book, but usually I just leave it to the guests to decide if they want to leave a message. It's right near the door, so they know it's there.


However, I do expect guests to be reasonably clean and tidy during their stay, so there shouldn't be any dirty dishes sitting around in the kitchen anyway. 


I don't expect them to take out trash, or empty the fridge (although  a few do), but then I am a live in host, so every situation is different. I know that other hosts may have good reason to ask guests to do this, i.e. to prevent pests/smells if the host/cleaner can't get to the property straight away.

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71 Replies 71
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Hi Deb, now I understand I only have one listing to look after, where as you have essentially 10, and I live on the property and have access as soon as the guest leaves. But if I was confronted by a list of checkout instructions like yours I would look for somewhere else to stay. I don't want to be up at the crack of dawn in order to satisfy a massive list of hosts checkout requirements and still be able to meet the required check-out time!

I want guests to enjoy their stay, collect their belongings, give Betts (our dog) a last hug goodbye and leave, I expect nothing more of them than that!

I want to clean up, not second guess what they might have cleaned up. If they have left lights on, a/c running or a tap dripping, no problem, within 5 minutes of them leaving I have turned what ever they might have left on.......off! I have put the utensils they might have used through the dishwasher, cleaned and treated any stains they might have subjected my bed linens and bath towels to.

I have a cottage service regime, I don't deduct bits from it on the premise that the guest might have done something or other for me before they left!

Deb , I treat every guest stay as a start from scratch, and by them trying to help me just makes my job more difficult and time consuming!



Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia



Thanks for your input.  We all move at our own pace, but I think you are exaggerating about needing to get up at the crack of dawn to tidy up after oneself, because it shouldn't be the case unless that guest has been extremely messy during their stay.  In our listings' details, house rules and guest communications, we tell our guests that they are expected to clean up after themselves during their stay.  The checkout list just details what are usually very routine and quick steps, and should be common sense.  Many of the items are actually telling gets not to do something or are a reminder.  We don't have to second guess anything about what the guest has cleaned or even touched, because we clean everything during the turnover.


We actually have six rentals (some have two listings for different configs), but they are in tropical, humid, woodsy locations which are prone to attracting critters and insects when open food and beverages are left out.  We often are onsite during guest stays, but still work jobs and don't always have the ability to pop over as soon as a guest checks out. 


I have shared before on this forum that electricity costs about $0.45-$0.50 USD per kwh and power and water services are often inconsistent on island leading to outages and extended service interruptions.  So, it can be expensive and wasteful of limited resources, and also cause damages, when guests leave appliances running or in an improper state.  Repairs and replacements can be difficult to get and frequently require importation from overseas.


BTW, the checklist I shared was for our long-term guests who usually stay for 90 days, and yes, I absolutely do expect for them to follow the checklist.

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Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

@Robin4  this reminds me of that tradie joke:
$50 for me to do the job
$100 for you to watch me

$150 for you to help me

$200 if you already started it by yourself

$250 if you try to tell me what to do.


Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I don't ask guests to do anything on check out other than to leave the key and close the front door if I'm not around to say goodbye to them in person. I might mention the guest book, but usually I just leave it to the guests to decide if they want to leave a message. It's right near the door, so they know it's there.


However, I do expect guests to be reasonably clean and tidy during their stay, so there shouldn't be any dirty dishes sitting around in the kitchen anyway. 


I don't expect them to take out trash, or empty the fridge (although  a few do), but then I am a live in host, so every situation is different. I know that other hosts may have good reason to ask guests to do this, i.e. to prevent pests/smells if the host/cleaner can't get to the property straight away.

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand


Check out instructions as a live in Host usually entail ensuring a Guest has all their belongings, - I've had the occasional person leave wallets, phones and chargers behind so tend to ensure they have them before they leave the property.


A hearty Breakfast and catch up before they travel on their way is usually always undertaken. 🙂



Level 10
Balearic Islands, Spain

I'm a big fan of simplicity. Most guests are too. 


I don't charge a cleaning fee. I don't demand that they clean up. I don't ask them to strip the beds or place towels in some specific place. I don't have a long list of rules and regulations, other than no smoking in the house, and a few other normal things. I don't have signs all over the house telling them what to do. 


But I do screen guests before they book, I meet them personally when they arrive, which puts a face on the place and establishes a personal relationship. I also treat them like adults, with respect, which generally fosters a like-response, and a sense of responsibility. We're now friends, after all. And really, the only thing I ask of them is to enjoy their stay. 


Nothing is perfect, but in general, it works. 

@Elaine701 you are from the same heart or thought process I am like you; no cleaning fee, no tasks to do before leaving, no signs around, I meet guests when they arrive. As @Robin4 and @Helen427 they do a check when they leave to make sure things are turned off and nothing is leftbehind.

@Sybe and @Jenny this topic of checkout list has open a can of worms. May be it should have been a research question of do yo leave a checkout list of jobs to do before the guests leave with a yes or no.

Followed with do you live on site or live away. Another question do yo clean your own property or hire a cleaner.

Hello from Romania, my name is Markus, I am a professional host for all most 2 years.
- I personally ask each guest to throw their trash outside at the dumpster, and I also ask them to check twice when leaving the apartment so that they don't forget personal things.
- I personally ask for a cleaning fee for each reservation, but I am thinking of returning it to the guest if he is willing to do certain tasks in the cleaning process, if he completes as many of them as possible, he can receive the entire amount back. Naturally, it will be optional, for him and only if it pleases him.
- What do you think about these thoughts?
Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

@Markus489 welcome to this topic, when I read your suggestion of being refunded for cleaning it reminded me of staying in Youth Hostels about 20 years ago and you had to do a job before you leave. You would inform the warden that you had done the job allocated and get it checked if accepted that it was good enoughor complete you got your YHA passport back so you could stay at another YHA accommodation for another night. 

This might work for you with people staying but for me I dont think this will work as I would find it a bit more time consuming as I am my own task master and have my own routine.

Level 5
California, United States

Interesting question and I am sure there are lots of answers depending on the home and the type of stay a guest would be searching for. I have a stacked duplex at the beach in Ventura, California with loads of amenities. The homes are deep cleaned after every guest departs and the homes are fully stocked with everything a guest could want. There are kitchen supplies and cleaning supplies left in the property in case someone needs them for whatever reason. They  have soaps, paper towels, napkins, toilet paper, body wash,  hair products, loads of towels, extra blankets, pillows. The cleaning fees are high and the guests do not mind paying them because the amenities and the place is spotless (even under the furniture). It takes six to ten hours to thoroughly clean each home. Windows are professionally washed every 2 weeks and more often if necessary (often after each guest leaves). Carpets and couches are cleaned every couple of months and more often if necessary.  I paint twice per year and more often if necessary.  The IT person services the entertainment system as needed. The guests have full access to Netflix, Apple, HULU at no charge and can sign in to their own accounts for Disney, Paramount, Amazon Prime, YouTube, Spotify, and whatever else they want. The cleaning fees help pay for all of the costs of upkeep and maintenance and are not a profit center for me. The fees keep everything tip top and the guests seem to appreciate it.  The guests are asked when they check out to put the used towels in the tub, remove the trash and text me when they are on their way. If possible I do accommodate early arrival requests and late check out requests. The homes are all about making the Guests Experience fabulously memorable for them. 

Level 4
Winston-Salem, NC

Mine is pretty simple.


Please put used towels in the tub & not leave on wood floors.

Please put dishes in the dishwasher & run it on the way out. 

Please take garbage to the bin that is right next to where they park.

That's it.  The last 2 coincide with being in heavily wooded area in Appalachia & sometimes the cleaner can't get there right away.  Country = critters. 

Level 2
Belfast, United Kingdom

We asks guests to:

put rubbish into outside bin

put dishes in dishwasher & switch on

place used towels in the bath

Ensure doors and windows are locked and place key in lockbox and scramble the code


These are mainly in place so that if the cleaner can’t get to the house immediately, then there isn’t an issue with smells, damage or security. 

We charge £100 cleaning fee for a large 4 bed house. £50 of this is to have linens and towels professionally laundered, and the rest covers 3 hours of my cleaner’s time, although it usually takes at least 4 hours for her to do. 

We have only ever had one guest object to our checkout instructions.