La fonction de suggestion automatique permet d'affiner rapidement votre recherche en suggérant des correspondances possibles au fur et à mesure de la frappe.
La fonction de suggestion automatique permet d'affiner rapidement votre recherche en suggérant des correspondances possibles au fur et à mesure de la frappe.
Hello, I have 3 appartments listed in the same house Salvador de Bahia. I work only with Airbnb. I’m almost full since first of January. ( my occuppancy rate is about 90 % during the all year in a city known for it s seasonal peaks…) My enquiry booking ratio is (example for one room but it s about the same for the 3 and every monthes… ) december : 675 View, 7 request, 7bookings…
My question is, as my listing appears only when I’m available, is it normal to have only 7request for 675 view ? I am one of the listing in Salvador whith more coments and my global note is 4,5 points. Anyone who can explain that to me ?Can we really imagine that only 10 % of guest needing a room in Salvador choose mine after watching my listing, have a lookby yourself, so what ?
I have 3 appartments listed in the same house Salvador de Bahia. I work only with Airbnb. I’m almost full since first of January. ( my occuppancy rate is about 90 % during the all year in a city known for it s seasonal peaks…) My enquiry booking ratio is (example for one room but it s about the same for the 3 and every monthes… ) december : 675 View, 7 request, 7bookings…
My question is, as my listing appears only when I’m available, is it normal to have only 7request for 675 view ? I am one of the listing in Salvador whith more coments and my global note is 4,5 points.
Anyone who can explain that to me ?Can we really imagine that only 10 % of guest needing a room in Salvador choose mine after watching my listing, have a lookby yourself, so what ?
here the link to one of my rooms