What Hosts are saying

    Hello everyone! Welcome to the Community Center! I'm @Bhumika , one of the Community Managers for our English Community Center along with my lovely team members @Quincy @Paula @Rebecca and @Elisa and we are thrilled to have you join us. Let's kicksta... Latest reply by Pooja74
    I've added some time limited listings to target particular events in my area, and got the idea to add a very time limited listing - only for Halloween.We live in an old farm house, 150 years old, and to all my knowledge and experience it is NOT haunted. B... Latest reply by Bhumika
    • airbnb.jpg
    I have 4 guests for four days and suddenly realized the guy who booked has been a member since November 2016 with no reviews. I asked him if I was his first Airbnb and he said no which leads me to my question. His group is not following the house rules ... Latest reply by Michelle1810
    Social Media is tricky. We all have toUse it but it can have negative effects. Like we all have to eat food but not all foods and eating habits are good & healthy. Thomas Anderson Won Social Media.No one will ever win social media as hard as Tom Anderson... Latest reply by Helen744