False account set up for my home

Level 1
Asheville, NC

False account set up for my home

Someone created a false account for my property & booked a guest. The guest is supposed to be arriving tomorrow. I've spoken with them & am not comfortable having them in my home. Also, the person who set up the account without my approval is not responding & I have no way of canceling this booking. I also do not have the link to the false account, so I don't even know what it says. I have told the guest that they are not welcome, but I also don't want them to be charged for their booking, and essentially screwed over because it is still in your system.....and could go thru in the next 24 hours. I am hoping to speak with someone who can cancel the booking on your end & return the guest's money. My cell is [Personal information hidden] I'd love someone to call me ASAP. Thank you!

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Bragg Creek, Canada

Hi @Janell2 This is a forum where hosts try to answer questions other hosts and guests may have. You will need to contact Airbnb for help with your situation, all ways to do so are HERE. I think Twitter gets the fastest response. Best of luck getting that sorted! - Karen

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

@Janell2 aks your guests to send you a screenshot of their reservation, the number of that reservation and the link to that fake listing bc who knows, maybe they invented the whole story.