
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

I need Help with correct reporting procedure please!

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

I need Help with correct reporting procedure please!

I had these two guys staying for nine days. They left yesterday without checking out. Although I spoke to them the night before and they informed me, they would have checked out at 11 am, at 8 am I went out to the shop, and when I got back, they had left. I was stunned to see that because they had borrowed a couple of items (Oyster card and my MacBook) I was expecting to have them returned personally and they were meant to pay a taxi fare for a Uber taxi they asked me to book for them.
So I went to the room, hoping to find everything left in there. Unfortunately, I found nothing pleasant. The room was upside down, rubbish everywhere, and coffee/ chocolate milkshake or something else of a brown colour splashed on the wall under the window and the window stool and apron.
There was no money left for the cab and no oyster card of course. My MacBook was there, however very badly damaged and not working. The screen is completely cracked, and it does not respond to any turning on procedure. It looks like they walked all over it.
I cannot believe this has happened. I am shocked, angry, upset. I was hoping you could suggest what to do.
Thanks so much in advance.

Top Answer


That's a great start, well done. Don't feel stupid - you know you can't imagine how bad some people can act because you are not like that. So - get even instead. 

Have you gotten in touch with Airbnb yet?

Very important to get in touch immediately. From what you have said - the mess in the room won't add up to much claim wise - but in my opinion (and sorry I am not a case manager - just another host trying to help out in the community forum) the pics of the before and after will help with the claim for the taxi, oyster card and macbook - IF you can pull together enough evidence to prove some things.

1. Did you have any communication with the guests via Airbnb texts (always try to do this - especially if you 'loan' or provide any extra services like Uber taxis etc)?

2. Have you written to the guests (politely) saying something like - Sorry you checked out early as I wanted to say goodbye, but I noticed you did not leave the payment for the Uber & Oystercard as we had previously agreed, and there was damage to the Macbook I had lent you..... I will be estimating the repair/replacement costs right away and will send you a payment request using the Airbnb resolution system, which Airbnb will take out of your security deposit (even though this isn't quite accurate - they don't need to know this - just get it all in writing if you haven't done so already).

3. You mentioned 'current' guests....... when did they check in and did you get in touch with Airbnb before they did?


Happy to help out Antonio - just let us/me know if you want more advice on tis one - or at least let us know what you ended up doing and any response from Airbnb - your unfortunate experience might just help another host prevent it happening to them.




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15 Replies 15


Sorry this happened to you. Not all guests are bad - but you need to protect yourself for future bookings.

Use the Motto - Prevention is better than Cure.

So, after you contact Airbnb, using @Alice-and-Jeff0 helpful post to guide you, do the following BEFORE your next booking.

1. Get yourself a lock on your bedroom door so when you leave the property your personal possessions are out of sight.

2. Before EACH booking - Take photographs of the rental space, and the shared spaces. Make a written inventory of items, and the condition of items, as well as any receipts of items purchased for use by guests (sheets, towels, furniture, bed, lamps etc). Keep these in a file for future reference, and your tax returns. Airbnb cannot help you (however much they may want to) if there is no proof - proof of what was damaged, when, by whom and the value. You will need to show that you know what you provide, that you take the required steps to record and list everything, and understand the rules and policies that Airbnb have. It's all there, it just needs to be read by you.

3. Do not 'loan' anything to a guest that you don't want to be damaged, or stolen! I know this seems harsh and unfriendly, but keeping things straight is much better all round, for you and the guest. Prevention rather than Cure. It only takes a guest two minutes to open an Uber account, buy an Oyster card at the station, or find the nearest WiFi cafe. So just keep things on a professional friendly basis and think of what could go wrong (rather than right) whenever a guest makes a request of you.


Don't let a guest take advantage of your good nature or inexperience at hosting.


Best Wishes.



Hi Rachael, 

Thank you for all your advice. I do have pictures and videos taken before and after. The main issue is the Macbook. I dont even care I had to repaint the room before the current guests arrived. I feel so stupid...


That's a great start, well done. Don't feel stupid - you know you can't imagine how bad some people can act because you are not like that. So - get even instead. 

Have you gotten in touch with Airbnb yet?

Very important to get in touch immediately. From what you have said - the mess in the room won't add up to much claim wise - but in my opinion (and sorry I am not a case manager - just another host trying to help out in the community forum) the pics of the before and after will help with the claim for the taxi, oyster card and macbook - IF you can pull together enough evidence to prove some things.

1. Did you have any communication with the guests via Airbnb texts (always try to do this - especially if you 'loan' or provide any extra services like Uber taxis etc)?

2. Have you written to the guests (politely) saying something like - Sorry you checked out early as I wanted to say goodbye, but I noticed you did not leave the payment for the Uber & Oystercard as we had previously agreed, and there was damage to the Macbook I had lent you..... I will be estimating the repair/replacement costs right away and will send you a payment request using the Airbnb resolution system, which Airbnb will take out of your security deposit (even though this isn't quite accurate - they don't need to know this - just get it all in writing if you haven't done so already).

3. You mentioned 'current' guests....... when did they check in and did you get in touch with Airbnb before they did?


Happy to help out Antonio - just let us/me know if you want more advice on tis one - or at least let us know what you ended up doing and any response from Airbnb - your unfortunate experience might just help another host prevent it happening to them.




Do you think it is worth posting some videos and pics here too?

The "current guests" checked in on the same day they left, in the afternoon. They dont know anything about this. I got some quick drying paint. Litterally in 3 hrs the wall and the window stool  was sorted. Then stripped bed naked and cleaned with steamer. All the rubish, broken glass and food left on the floor or whereever else.... I filled three black bags and through all out. Steamed floors and wardrobe. When this couple arrived I was almost done. I have contacted Airbnb, however no answer yet. I have not sent the guy anything yet. I was worried to mess things up even more. I will do it now as you suggested. 

I have all conversation with him via whatsapp. To any of my messages on airbnb he replied via whatsapp. With ref. the uber I have the confirmation of car and driver arriving to pick them up I sent them, otherwise they would not know who was picking them up. 

(i hope it makes sense). 

As you said, all together it is not a huge damage, money wise, prob all together £ 350/400 as my apple care will sort any software issue if there is any, however, the screan replacement is not covered. 

I agree it is not the end of the world financially. Emotionally, amount of stress and psicologycally it has been awfull. It is unfair on anyone. These things should never happen. 

Ten minutes ago I got the airbnb message that he has left a review of his stay. So airbnb is inviting me to do the same. What I want to say is thatat least he is not trying to avoid contacts.

I hope it gets sorted. 

The feeling that people are deliberately taking the piss is horrible. 


Any updates? And please tell me you wrote a message to your guests....... if they were friends of yours or you knew them from the pub - of course you would say something to them about the damage - however you want to phrase it - WHY would you not say something.

It is a small piece of evidence that something happened - and it may even get a result from the guest..... the longer you wait to contact them the less guilty they will feel - and the less inclined they will feel to pay any damages.

Forget the mess and paint - hard to prove and will normally be classified as 'wear and tear' acceptable damages through renting.... but the Uber, Oystercard and Macbook should be claimed for..... ask yor guys for 89GBP.......... not enough I know - but it is a psychological number lower than 100 and they might just do it to avoid further hassle from Airbnb......... but it also sounds like they might know what they are doing and have done this before to other hosts.

So make sure you do not write a review right now - wait until next week (you have 14 days from the day they left).... and mention it to them when you write to them that you are waiting for their response to the damage and repayments before you write their review.


So let's list this one out in case it might help another host reading your post....

1. Always communicate with your guest via the Airbnb system (do not use Whatsapp - even if they write to you - just reply repeating their message and your reply in the Airbnb system) it will protect you in the case of a future claim or dispute.

2. Immediately contact Airbnb when a problem occurs or is discovered, and then immediately message your guest explaining the situation and asking them to respond.

3. All this must happen within 24hrs of the guest leaving and BEFORE the next guest arrives.....

4. Get any estimates for repair or damage from a certified licensed company - nothing from a handyman or friend will be accepted.

5. Make sure you reflect this in a review. Do not go into detail, do not mention any claims, do not get emotional - just a brief outline of the events and that the stay did not end well and damage ocurred and you would not host them again - and make sure you detail the specifics in the private section to Airbnb (not seen by guest) and give a thumbs down (again, not seen by the guest) so they cannot use Instant Book to con another guest in the future.


And @Antonio324 - use the @ symbol when replying to someone specific (in this case me - @Rachael) - then the Airbnb system will send me a notice that a post has been made and I will see it faster, as I would like to keep in touch and hopefully help out a fellow Brit on this one. (Not that it matters, but I lived in London for over 30yrs so it feels more like home to me than here in US!)


Keep at it and write those buggers a message asking them where they put the oystercard and the cash for the Uber - and you will be sending them a resolution request for 89pounds for the damage to the Macbook screen.......  😉

Don't let them get away with this!


P.S. And no, I don't think it will help to post any video or pics here in the Community Forum - they won't mean much as they are out of context - but definitely keep them for Airbnb when they open a case for you. (Remember - the damage/mess will be useful as backup against the guests, but probably not possible to get a claim in - but sometimes Airbnb will grant a token 20 or 40 pounds for the inconvenience and your first claim etc.... maybe!)


Hi @Rachael26,


Before anything else, thank you so much for following up with me and making sure I am doing things right here. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.


Update: I have just received a quote to replace my MacBook screensaver. It's not cheap. My Applecare covered the software repairs, so that's done. I also found out that the charger was damaged (probably dropping it hard on the floor) and other £ 40.

Following your advice, I sent them a message the same evening. I had no reply.

I also emailed Airbnb telling them what happened. Also, No response.


Tonight I will make the money request as I have the quote in writing for MacBook screensaver. So I have everything with all evidence and quotes of costs.


Let's see what happens. That's all I can say.


One final thing: Shall I send them the photos and videos or simply the request? In total, they left over £600 in damages. I would have been much better off not having anyone. Anyhow.


Thank you again.

Hi @Antonio324

Good to hear from you!

So have you opened the case in the Resolution Center? That is where all your photos and evidence should go. And maybe there is another host out there in the CC who may feel able to chime in here and give some more support/advice - I have not ever had to submit a claim (I know - lucky me - but no doubt my time will come) so I know the procedures and expectations etc. but I may be missing some essentials or tips and I would hate for that to mess up your chances.


Anyone out there anything to add?


Antonio, I was thinking about this the other day, and I wanted to suggest to you that you look into some of the insurance companies in UK that now offer short term rental insurance policies that cover you and your bookings..... it sits as an additional policy on top of your normal household policy - and I have heard there are several now out there (I remember @Helen from Bristol mentioning them in a post a while back). Anyway - worth a search online to see what's available - and that would certainly set your mind at rest for the future, as you take even more bookings to recoup the cost of this awful experience.


Take care - and keep us updated!

Best of Luck.



And I forgot to mention - don't forget the review!

Just for the record - make sure you write something that cant get removed (eg you cant mention a claim, anything personal, theft or anything else not provable in a court of law etc...

Like I said earlier - Make sure you reflect this in a review. Do not go into detail, do not mention any claims, do not get emotional - just a brief outline of the events and that the stay did not end well and damage ocurred and you would not host them again - and make sure you detail the specifics in the private section to Airbnb (not seen by guest) and give a thumbs down (again, not seen by the guest) so they cannot use Instant Book to con another guest in the future.


R x

Thanks @Rachael26


Im hoping they will at least reply. 

I will keep you updated. 




that message from Steve is also mine. 

I used a friend account by mistake as I was using his laptop. 


Don't forget to flag or report their profile as well. It doesn't count against you in any way - but may just prevent them from making another booking so easy.


Cheers - and let us know what is happening with the resolution center.


Hi @Rachael26

I hope you are well.
Just a quick update on this.
It has been two weeks now since I requested Airbnb to get involved. The guests completely ignored the money request. Not even my message was acknowledged.
I am hoping that I hear something from Airbnb at least.
That's all, unfortunately!


Hello and I am sorry this hasn't gone anywhere.... yet.

so when you put your claim in through the resolution center- and you heard nothing from the 'guests' (hard to call them even that!!)

did you click the button to 'involve Airbnb' after no reply (72hrs)?


That's what happens next - so either start a new claim - or find that button (use your desktop not mobile to do this)

and let Airbnb do their job!

Then contact Airbnb help center and get some help. Don't give up - keep pestering - it may help someone else and you may at least get them notified to Airbnb as bad guests.

best of Luck 








Hi @Rachael26


I have a couple of them already, however they won't cover my macbook. I swear I am normally super relaxed about things breaking or getting damaged.... it's part of the game. The issue here is that they did not care at all. Two days before they left, they went out leaving food on the cooker and the door wide open. I was asleep. The smell of their food burning woke me up. I thought something bad had happened to them. But no. They started cooking, then decided to go out.

If I had not been in, they would have burned the place down.

I have also videos of that. If nothing else we must make sure it won't happen to anyone else.