Payout issues

Level 10
New York, NY

Payout issues

There have been so many posts about this that I'm going to link all the recent ones here.  @Lizzie @Quincy @Aisling I'm sure you've noticed but wanted you to have as many as possible in one place.































Top Answer
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Ann72,


Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. I'm really sorry for everyone who's experiencing payout delays.


We are indeed aware of the situation and I'd like to thank everyone in the CC who's been logging any issues they have on this.


We've been flagging it with the team internally, so hopefully we'll have an update on the matter soon.


In the meantime, feel free to continue to reach out to us and the Support team.




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132 Replies 132
Level 3
Athens, Greece

Thank you ,  no I was actually not aware. I searched before I posted.

that is extremely worrisome.. i wrote them in Facebook and made Twitter, everywhere- if at all, then their answer is

” we appreciate your patience “

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Ann72,


Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. I'm really sorry for everyone who's experiencing payout delays.


We are indeed aware of the situation and I'd like to thank everyone in the CC who's been logging any issues they have on this.


We've been flagging it with the team internally, so hopefully we'll have an update on the matter soon.


In the meantime, feel free to continue to reach out to us and the Support team.




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Missing payout for July 17th payout line completely missing from site 

im gatherings contacts from other hosts and giving to the New York Times to see if they want to run a story about Airbnb and the way they treat their hosts

Spent 17 hours on the phone this month on hold (btw the music on hold is awful and repeats the same song causing one to go INSANE)

How can you call this "resolved"?! New hosts add to this frustration daily, it appears. This is totally unacceptable. 

@Rob430  Calm down.  The underlying issue clearly isn't resolved, but the post has been addressed by admin.  Do reach out to @Liv or @Aisling directly.

@Ann72 don't tell me to calm down! The underlying issue is a huge issue, affecting more and more hosts hourly, and when we call we're not told anything of the scope of this problem. And you're right, it's clearly not resolved, yet this thread is marked as such, which was the reason for my complaint here. It was not an unhinged rant nor was it necessary to tell me to calm down about it. When Airbnb takes a booking, they take our customers' money right then and there, sometimes months in advance of the guest's actual stay. We get paid 24 hours after they check in. That's the deal and Airbnb is flailing on that contract. To make matters worse, they are making it impossible to get feedback on how this is being addressed. 


In the past, I've had amazing interactions with Airbnb -- including during the COVID-19 pandemic. But this issue is not being handled well at all and I think we all have a right to demand a swift response to it. 

@Rob430  I'm sorry.  No calming down necessary about the issue.  I felt you attacked me when I took it upon myself to gather all the posts in one place to bring them to the attention of the admins on behalf of the community of hosts who've been affected by this.  That I marked it as resolved does not tell THEM it's resolved and they know that.  It highlights @Liv's response so other hosts can see that she is paying attention and reach out to her for more information if necessary.  Don't shoot the messenger is what I might have said.

I appreciate you collecting all the threads, for sure. My response was more about the marking resolved, which I ASSumed was done by ABB staff and not you anyway! So, sorry for how that came across. My anger was directed at Airbnb, not you, @Ann72. Anyway, it certainly appears that this is a huge problem, and that while some hosts have experienced this going back a long time, there's been a very recent bug that has caused an explosion of issues like this in the last week or so. It's absolutely maddening to be so helpless. Only recourse is to call a number, sit on hold for a while, then be asked "what's the problem" again (again (again)), and then have them act like you're the only one with an issue and that you'll hear back with a resolution within 24 hours, then turn in to 24-48 hours, then a new case number and a claim that it has been escalated, yet no progress reporting, days after the initial inquiry. 

@Rob430  Literally insane!  I saw so many posts about it that my hope was to get higher up with the problem than any one host making a phone call to the severely understaffed (and let's just say intermittently knowledgeable) CS department.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom


Yes, that is what makes it even more infuriating. Of course Airbnb know that this is a much wider issue and that their system is not working (as has been confirmed on this thread), so to make the host repeat over and over what the issue is and imply that the host is the only one having the problem is more than just bad customer service. It's dishonest in the extreme.


Either that or all these CS reps are not clued up? However, how does that make sense? When we are repeatedly being told how under resourced CS is right now, would it not be more effective timewise to brief the reps on what is going on so the minimum amount of time is wasted? Better still, send a notification to hosts to let them know that there is an ongoing issue and that Airbnb is doing its best to resolve it in a timely manner.

I can report that this email is accurate and that I have experienced the same thing.  Airbnb is withholding money and profiting on that action,  it is predatory behavior.  they need to be called on it

Level 3
California, United States

so its oct 2021 why is this issue still happening?

I am sorry for everyone who experience this but I mean in our case its more than 2 months and more than 3000 euros. and one week all we hear is "thanks for patience" , not cool guys. We have also bills to pay.

The situation is NOT solved. 

We are still waiting.
More than three months, over 3000€ They owe us. We have completed reservations, people have paid, we have offered the service, but no payout.


After repeated phone calls and chat contacts- still just pending. Very worrying