What hosts are saying

    Der Betrag wurde 2x abgebucht und nur 1x rückerstattet.Bitte prüfenDANKE Andre Hallo AndreMein Name ist Kay und ich bin vom Airbnb-Trip Team. Danke daß Du Airbnb für Deine Reisen nutzt.Entschuldige bitte die verspätete Antwort, Birgit hat uns gleich infor...
    European Commission is raising the red flag against AIRbnb In a recent report endorsed by the EC, the following statement was made by the european coordination of national offices of fair trade : Quote (AirBnb) cannot limit (as it does) the basic legal... Latest reply by Susan17
    I have recently stayed at an Airbnb which I intended to stay in for 30 days upon arriving in the area I could tell this was not an area I wanted to stay by the people around the location, however being new to the city and low on funds I had no choice but ... Latest reply by Sandra126
    Hello everyone , I would like to ask in what to do if you accedentaly canceled the booking ? I was in the middle of despuit and during it I realised i canceled .The lady was kind enough to book me again and she helped me a lot but she told me she cant ref... Latest reply by Letti0
    I am a regular business traveller between London and Cebu Philippines. Recently I started using Airbnb for my accommodation needs instead of a broker in Cebu and it worked great. I just tried to book an accommodation from the UK, but it is pricing the sam... Latest reply by Chris1289
    My host notified me via email, that when they stopped to take mail from the outdoor mailbox, they noticed some lights on and went in quickly to shut the lights as to conserve energy and costs.Without asking!We happened not to be there at the time. Possibl... Latest reply by Sarah977
    Hi Admin I'm Dave, I've been trying in vain to make a booking but I'm trapped in an eternal loop. the ID process has driven me to dispare. I have suceeded in downloading my profile picture and driving licence details but now need to down load a matching p... Latest reply by Letti0
    Since hurracaine Maria, Puerto Rico spent 10 month without basic service. Of course, this affect my listing, now everything is back to normal and I dont find my listing when try to search thru my daugther account as it was a trip. Dont know if was put on... Latest reply by Emiel1
    Hello! Me and my friends are going to Japan next week. Today, our Kyoto host informed me that he won't be able to get the lincense number. I wanted to ask, if I cancel the booking now (the usual way), will I get full refund as well as the voucher? I was s... Latest reply by Martin772