What Hosts are saying

    Hi I was seeing these types of hosting on the web site i would like to know how it works from a host point of view how to set, up what are government regulations in Perth WA my idea is to take people out to places around Perth it could be for an hour or a...
    This is my first time hosting and my guests are suppose to arrive today. We have messaged each other several times over the past few weeks and he has great reviews as a guest from several different people. I googled him and he seems to be a real person. T... Latest reply by Alice-and-Jeff0
    Two days ago I get an email which says that somebody did change my email for airbnb.After long time finding out what it was, somehow my email adress was changed??Today I saw that on my profile is description of agency in Nederlh, and I found one listing f... Latest reply by Helen3
    The situation maybe this. My old uncle has a very nice big house but he doesn't know how to sign up an account airbnb. So that he ask me to create an new accout, use my photo, my ID, my phone number, my email but use his bank account to receive $ from ren... Latest reply by Thanh5
    Hello Hosting Community! I started hosting last month and things have been going smoothly so far. EXCEPT, my calendar seems to have rules of its own! Recently a guest booked for an entire week in April that I did NOT put up. We rent our entire apartment o... Latest reply by Rachel201