What Hosts are saying

    I can't find where to give a special offer anymore. Seems it moved recently?? Can anyone help me find it? I have a fee for extra guests and need to enter that in before I accept this next book with the next 20 hours. Thanks! Latest reply by Lilian20
    Hello everyone, We are new in this, we just started listing our place and we set up the smart pricing. This didn't set up correctly the price for the weekend of New Years eve, it should be much more higher comparing we the listings around our area, descri... Latest reply by Anisha0
    I have a $100 airbnb coupon that is going to expire in a month. However, I do not have any recent travel plan, so I am thinking about transfering the coupon to my friends. I am wondering if the coupon is restriced to my account, or other people like my fr... Latest reply by Dave-and-Deb0
    Hoping you experienced Airbnb hosts can help us. We're relatively new, just started in November. I can't figure out what is happening. Sometimes we receive a flurry of requests, and then days of nothing. Does Airbnb circulate who is going to be more vis... Latest reply by Linda100
    I am having pricing issues. I sent my guest a special offer of $265 USD. At my end it says the total amount is $265 including the $8 cut that Airbnb takes. My guest tells me she is being charged $407? How does this work? Why is the difference so much? She... Latest reply by Lawrene0
    This is an old type of scam attempt against hosts but it bears repeating since it is resurfacing. Hosts may receive this as an inquiry. It is a scam attempt to lure a curious host into going to a non-Airbnb website where they will be asked to provide a u... Latest reply by Clare0
    • Scam Inquiry.JPG