A PROBLEM: 2 months ahead are seen in my Calendar as blocked, althought they are open, screens added

Level 10
Kyiv, Ukraine

A PROBLEM: 2 months ahead are seen in my Calendar as blocked, althought they are open, screens added

I see the dates from my inside menu as open, but the client sees all months till september 2019 as closed and not available for booking.



I am adding the screenshots.

Why is it so?

Why available dates are not seen online as available?

Does it mean that because of the system mistakes I am loosing money on potential bookings as a host?gluk 3.jpggluk 5.jpg

34 Replies 34

I freely admit to being one of those hosts who drives herself crazy with trying to figure out why bookings drop off, @Susan17 . I've often suspected a "rotation", but have never been able to confirm such a thing. My market is not over-saturated, nor do we have many "pro" hosts here.


Thank you for mentioning this as a possibility. I can rest assured now that it's not me, and instead concentrate on a very large glass of red wine!


@Olga464Your calendar appears blocked throughout July and August from my end, while September is bookable. Hope they resolve this soon!

@Jennifer1421  and other readers of this thread, I also wanna tell you, guys, that few of my previous guests noticed ( and they planned to visit Minsk, Belorus, and Odessa, Ukraine as their next destination spots) that the prices are far more overated during last days. And I am thinking here, if there is a glitch in a system, and the calendars of hosts are getting blocked by couple of months, like in my case, there are fewer and fewer properties left available. Robot analyzes it , and the offered robot price is growing upper and upper. 


That's what I noticed during last days, my offered price by the robotic system was higher and higher. And then my calendar got blocked. The glitch reached me)))))

I've notice fluctuating prices in my area for the last 2 or 3 days days as well, @Olga464 . Here, though, all prices will be randomly higher by around $5 CAD, then an hour later, everyone's prices will have dropped to $5 below what they've set. All prices are corrected when you click on the listing, however.


I had thought these price wobbles had to do with fluctuating currency (the US $, which all prices are rooted in, has been dropping - about 3% over the last month compared to CAD). I thought the algo was just having trouble keeping up with that. Am keeping my fingers crossed that I'm not about to see a whack of other "glitches".

@Susan17  If you say, it's like the marketing pattern to let superhosts stay in a "shadow" non-visible regime for potential clients, which helps to make the rating of new hosts higher, what's the principle for picking up the hosts to make them invisible.


I am on Airbnb during 1 year, and I am getting the status of superhost 3-rd time already.


Is the system looking for the hosts who are not listening to the advice to lower the price? So they speed down the money movement in the system. 


But, again, if the maching learning is following this algorythm, we are getting booked 28 days a month at any reasonable price, which is still higher than offered. So, we do not speed down the money movement for airbnb anyhow. I am still thinking about your post here.... For me it's rather strange. But in marketing world everything is possible.


If to follow your theory, it's easier to re-register the flat each single year, instead of fixing this technical "shadow" problems all the time. Cause, what if you become invisible during the top booking times of the year and loose money... Worries me a lot, to be honest.



Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


just to make sure click on edit listing / availability/ reservation preferences ( at least 1 day in advance, none, 6 months in the future)


then go to: trip length ( edit )  min stay, max stay, additional requirements ( custom rule for the season and specific days ) - here you might find a problem so check it out




you can go to your calendar, click on any blocked day and you will see a popup window on your right side. Scroll down to "Rulesets" and see if you have some rule sets like min stay, no check-in or out days, etc... If so, then select the entire month of July and August and click on "Rulesets" / None and then Save

@Branka-and-Silvia0  I did check numerous times. Min stay 1 day - max 27 days. You can book the same day you arrive. Manager confirmed. There is something else.

@Branka-and-Silvia0  You are genius. It's open now. Guys, Check, if it's opened....



The non rule sets and reload helped.

I feel embarrased now)))))

But.... well, happens.

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

@Olga464  are you sure you checked ( custom rule for the season and specific days ) ?

It is HIDDEN and here you might find a problem 


You are genius. It's open now. Guys, Check, if it's opened....



The non rule sets and reload helped.

I feel embarrased now)))))

But.... well, happens.

@Olga464  yes it is open :))) 

@Branka-and-Silvia0  It reminds me the old story of young woman and her mother going to get the water from the water well. And the mother starts the story:

- My dear daughter, when you grow up and get married you will have a son. And when this son grows up a bit he will go to this water weil to quench thirst, slips off, falls down into the well, chokes and dies...


And everyone ends up wailing instead of getting the water from the water source.



Exactly my type of panic

@Branka-and-Silvia0  As said "Never fly on your own supply".

Everyone is getting so emotional about the calendars blocked because the daily rent is much more addictive then the long term rent.



@Branka-and-Silvia0  The only place I see rule sets is under Availability after clicking on Additional Rules. It's certainly not in the pop-up box on the right side of the calendar page, or anywhere I can find by just scrolling down, like you said.

Ah, @Sarah977  until a month or two ago it worked and now is full of glitches. I wrote a post about it, it is so frustrating!


You have to click on any date in your calendar and then you will get a slide-in form on the right side of your screen (desktop) then scroll down and you'll find it.


Here you will see screenshots: https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Help/RULE-SET-FRUSTRATIONS/m-p/1037016#M216592