I had a guest instant book for a checkin today. We have a st...
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I had a guest instant book for a checkin today. We have a strict 4pm checkin time & they showed up at 2:15 saying they chose ...
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We are Super Hosts in Claremont Cape Town with 2 units on our property - 2 person self catering - "Comfy Cosy Garden Cottage in Claremont " & " Modern Get Up & Go Garden Pad in Claremont " for 1 traveller / business person. in our 1st year we have had 82 excellent reviews which we believe is the life blood of our business where our guests have literally come from all parts of the world.
Our big concern is that our reviews ( 100% ) participation are now all jumbled up !!! we have developed our skills over the last year and our reviews are much better now than in the beginning, BUT , when potential guests search our website the first review is April '17 then skips to Jan'17,Oct'16,Aug'16, Page 2 is July'16,June'16,April'16,Mar'16 Page 3 April'17,Mar'17,Feb'17,jan'17 .!! Our guests who have written their reviews in their own language - French,Portugues,Spanish,Mandarin,Japanese,Greek & Dutch are all at the VERY END of our review list which people Do Not Go To Read! This jumbled review format does not show that we have been full all the time ! Nor gives the current seasonal trend - We want our reviews shown in chronological order ie.the last guest to leave is at the number one place on Page 1 of our reviews.
Can anybody help or pass this concern on to the IT dept. of Airbnb as this problen needs urgent attention,
kind regard,
Mike Meyer
Hi @Lizzie,
Thank you for your reply! I'm so sorry if my post was a bit strong, I think it was just a bitter response right away because I honestly was shocked to see that this is still an issue. As I mentioned I haven't had much time to visit the CC for a few months and I really figured this would be an issue that could be fixed easily (with a review sorting feature, as many hosts suggested) and so I don't know why it has not been.
As you mentioned, you believe Airbnb does listen to our suggestions ... I really do hope so! I'm looking forward to see a solution to this problem! :-)))
Kind regards,
I totally agree with Monika.
Monika, please see my reply to Lizzie and add your own comments. I am in NY when not in Costa Rica so maybe should meet sometime?
Good luck,
Im one of the Superhosts that STARTED the conversation about reviews not being in chronological order any more right after Airbnb changed its policy about a year ago..For a very long time NO Airbnb managers responded to these many posts at all and we felt like our concerns and complaints were being ignored.
While I appreciate seeing your message today, I can tell you unequivocably that NO HOSTS like this policy of displaying reviews by langauge and geographical locations where the guest are located. This policy IS HURTING OUR BUSINESS for many reasons. ( other Hosts please add your comments in reply)
For example, I am fully booked here in Costa Rica every week but when you look on my reviews it looks like I have only had a few guests here in the last 2 months because most of my reviews are BURIED on pages 4-6 of my reviews where new guests will never look. Guests want to see what's going on with a property and the Hosts NOW not 1 or 2 years ago. Also if you get one mediocre or bad review out of 60, it seems like that review stays near or on the first page instead of dropping back over time. Again this does NOT present our listings in the best light or even an accurate one to our potential guests.
The bottom line is the reasons for this policy may have some benefits for management which have yet to be described adequately to us as Hosts but from the Host standpoint, we are frustrated, angry and upset that Airbnb does not seem to want to LISTEN or RESPOND or be willing to come to some compromise that would be better for the Hosts who are, after all, the revenue producers for Airbnb.
So WHEN will management sit down and review all of the thousands of complaints about this issue and make some changes?? How about having a MEETING or even an online forum with a group for Hosts who have been complaining about this issue for a year now? I would like to participate.
Meanwhile while Airbnb waits, you are losing excellent Hosts and properties to other online rental services that actually listen to, respond and more readily support the needs of their Hosts in building and maintaining a successful rental business with their properties.
Yours truly,
Well said Kate!
I list my porperties in another online renatl agency and I was really happy with their prompt and helpful support. I think Airbnb HAS to listen to its frustrated hosts otherwise it will loose them.
ps . from Kate. here is a comment from 2017 about HOW Airbnb can FILTER the reviews so guests can search to their liking. WHY hasn't this good idea been implemented with all of these endless complaints about the current review policy? Airbnb, PLEASE DO SOMETHING TO RESOLVE THIS ISSUE!
"Airbnb can easily implement a filter such as Newest, Oldest, By Country etc. for reviews but Newest should always be default unless guest or host decides to display otherwise."