What hosts are saying

    ...to the facility for talking for free to potential guests over the internet? This seems like a no-brainer yet we dont' have it any more.
    I have two properties listed but I seem to get any messages just listed in a generic 'inbox' is there anyway to split the inbox by Host property? Latest reply by Lisa7
    I keep losing my responses to guest queries as I am writing them. Sometimes I am in the middle of a response, and quickly check something elsewhere on my site by using the back arrow, only to find my response isn't there any more when I return! This time...
    Hi all, I have my first experience as a host soon, and was wondering how the payment works.I added my PayPal account as preffered option- does this go automatically or do I need to provide my guests with my PayPal account? Thanks for helping out! Latest reply by Clare0
    Is there a way I can get help from someone at AirBnB? I can't find any way to contact them and I have an issue with the way my listing address is automatically shown on the site. It's off by a few hundred miles and there's no way for me to change it bec... Latest reply by Dave-and-Deb0
    I have a very unpleasant next door neightbors who are very unhappy of me being an Airbnb host. I'm afraid that they can send me a guests who can do some kind of damage to me or even couse some kind of an "accident" and then sue me. Do you think I can put ... Latest reply by Wendy-and-Markus0