@Bo6 Once you've overriden your default rates, it can be hard to revert to the old or new default rates for *weekdays*. Because of a bug/inconsistency within AirBnB (reported to them multiple times over the past year, but totally ignored by them), the "weekend" (Fri/Sat nights) will adjust to a change in the default rate for weekends even after custom rates have been set for particular Fri/Sat dates. But all other nights will not.
This problem effects hosts in two ways... In your case, you *want* to specify new default rates, but you're noticing that they (mostly) don't take effect. Other hosts might want to set new default rates for weekends but w/o overriding the rates for weekends they've already set to customized rates. If AirBnB's programmers had a clue, they could accommodate both desires. But their programmers are, apparently, the lowest-of-the-lowest low bidders and/or inexperienced script-kiddies, so we're left to deal with their illogical interface's behavior. Bitter? Yes. I've been in the software biz for 30 years and I know bad programming when I see it...