08:57 PM

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08:57 PM
I have had to turn OFF instant booking recently because of a serier of similar incidents. Over the past couple of weeks, I have had 2 next day instant bookings, "to visit family in town", which I did not think much about, until the second guest arrived. He was verified through Airbnb and lived in Santa Maria California with a CA phone number.
Yet, he had no luggage, he was in a black Escalade with totally blacked out windows, and FL plates - so you could not see the other guests, and rental companies don't provide cars like that. I told him, the dryer was broken and I would have a service person look at it, and I would text him the wifi password. He proceeded to give me a local phone number. When I questioned him about the phone number, he said he used to live here, which is why he is returning to visit friends.
While in my car, texting him the password, the back door of the Escalade opened, then immediately closed, and they remained in the car for (no exaggeration ) 10 minutes while I sat in my car watching them, after which they drove off without exiting the car. My front door is a key pad door lock which registers each time the door opens and closes. That evening, feeling very uncomfortable with the guests, at 11:00pm I checked my computer app for the door history, and the door opened 77 times between 2pm and 11pm. Absolutely, unusual for guests coming to town to visit family and friends.
Next day, I made the excuse that I needed to see the dryer, and there were 2 different cars in the driveway. I texted the guest, and he said NO NEED, I WON'T BE USING THE DRYER". I told him I was just down the street, and no problem if he was not home, I had a key. I politely knocked, and heard shuffling in the house, and after knocking 2x and then getting ready to open the door, a different man answered the door, while another closed the bedroom door and another closed himself in the bathroom. Total count - 4 men.
So I decided to ask where was the host - JOHNNY... (who's name on Airbnb was different). One guy said he was showering in the bathroom, never asking "who is Johnny".
MY REAL CONCERN IS THAT PEOPLE ARE USING AIRBNB AND OTHER VACATION RENTAL SITES TO RENT HOUSES FOR ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES. Since yesterday - I have had 3 more "NEXT DAY" requests to book, and in researching the guest further, found out they have local phone numbers or IDENTICAL phone numbers.
I reported this activity to Airbnb, who I am sure will take measures, but I think the HOST COMMUNITY needs to be aware that criminals are wising up and using alias' to rent properties for short periods of time and running illegal activities out of the house.
Jeff - Tampa Florida USA
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08:57 PM
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02:30 PM

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02:30 PM
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04:47 AM

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04:47 AM
Thanks for all the tips
South Africa
05:39 AM

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05:39 AM
Ok I have a day before and after blocked but how do I turn of
06:07 AM

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06:07 AM
Please look up the community help guides at the top of the community help forum.
04:46 AM

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04:46 AM
Hey Jeff
I don't know why, but ain't surprised by that story. This kinda service is very interesting for these sort of people just because it leaves no trail or almost none at least. Above all, it helps them move around quickly.
You should have called the police to check them out. Airbnb and you (specially) shouldn't make any moves to check or stop them doing what they have rented your place to. The most Airbnb will do will be putting some software check to increase the level of pre documentation or cross profile checking that's all. From my point of view it will not prevent criminals from working their ways to get BNBs.
I appreciate very much you sharing you story but advise to ALL AIRBNBs calling the authorities in an event like it.
Don't try to be heroes! Police knows what to do and have the tools in case they need to arrest criminals.
07:39 PM

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07:39 PM
Wow, that's an awful thing to read about it. But it's nice to read your report here.
Weird uses are been done to airbnb places in Rio like shootings, photo sessions, things like that. They rent the place to be cheaper than doing the traditional procedures people doin those cases.
We must be united and aware. This is not traveling. This is crime.
We must be aware and take care of ourselves.
09:53 PM

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09:53 PM
I had it happen with someone from Tampa. The same thing. They said they used to live there and was just going to visit family. Have a few family members over. They trashed my house. I took instant booking off and now require a 4 day minimum
03:49 AM

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03:49 AM
Thank you so much for this article! I am a new host. Your article is very helpful to me! As soon as I read it, I immediately added " government issued ID" to one of my instant book requirements.
02:55 PM

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02:55 PM
Hi everyone
In the UK it was reported on the evening news yesterday that in Cornwall (quiet backwater in the south west of the UK) people are hiring air b n b properties for a week at a time and using them as pop up brothels!!!!
Police have difficulty keeping track of them as they move on all the time.
So beware of that as well!!
02:55 PM
11:26 PM

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11:26 PM
This is a well known story in Norway also, @Charlie40.
At least if you read the papers once in a while. Particularly in the main cities. Hosts need to be aware! I rent a room and don't have to vet as much as people not living on the rental. But I have to vet on different things than the brothel stuff though...
Mariann 🙂
04:52 AM

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04:52 AM
THis will only work if someone is verifying that the id is valid. read the terms and conditions, they don't. You need to do more.
09:43 AM

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09:43 AM
Have a guest who booked for next day on instant booking but apparetly for someone else. Have requested particulars of this second person. If these do not come through what can I do? Do not feel comfortable taking "unknown" in.
09:50 AM

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09:50 AM
It is against airbnb rules to book for someone else, so revealing the identity of the person staying does not give you any protection from airbnb.
If you are uncomfortable with this guest, you should contact airbnb on their emergency number and ask them to cancel the reservation.
10:33 AM

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10:33 AM
Hello Jeanette:
Our first airbnb guest was not an airbnb user, but his girlfriend was. She booked for him and he turned out to be an awsome guest. We had a weird experience with one where the male was airbnb user but his girlfriend was not, because of that we had to do research on both of them prior to their arrival just on the internet, and they both turned out to have criminal records wtih drug use. We had to also confront them not to smoke pot in front of our house. Let me tell you: it was an uneasy 9 days and for that reason we do not use instant booking anymore and also beef up our description. We have not had an issue since then.
During that uncomfortable 9days I documented every single thing with airbnb just to be one the safe side. From reading a lot of the community help tips I found it was hard for lots hosts contacting airbnb if you are outside of U.S. but once you get in touch with them, they will walk you through everything and give you some more suggestions, but it is really upto you.
If you really don't feel comfortable I would def contact airbnb and see if they can resolve the issue for you, sometimes they can relocate booking to another airbnb host that will be willing to take the person in (hopefully you will have enough time to make that arrangement). Feel free to ask any questions I would love to help!
12:01 PM

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12:01 PM
Ask them to pay you an extra fee. As i understood from your post the booking was made only for one person not 4 if in case they refuse to pay the extra fees call the police and take legal actions against them. I would advise you to install cctv cameras around your property so that to prevent such problems in the future.
09:36 PM

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09:36 PM
@Oomesh-Kumarsingh0 @Winnie7 Please be careful in what you advise to another host. Requesting/collecting an additional fee is not the answer nor is accepting a person into your home that has not been verified by Airnb yet.
Its imperative that you understand the T & C's of Airbnb (Terms and Conditions) as well as the ABB policies. It is absolutely against ABB policy for any host to accept a 3rd party booking UNLESS....its an approved Business listing for a Business traveler. I highly recommend that you read the T & C's of Airbnb and their policies which can be found at the bottom of the ABB website.
@Jeanette32 Please contact ABB at the phone number provided here in the Community Center. I have no clue why so many people are posting messages saying they can't find the phone numbers when they are posted by 100's of other hosts in the Community Center. But if you haven't used the Search bar yet, (to look for contact numbers), here is the best number being that its toll free
1-888-326-5753. PLEASE contact ABB immediately as your home is not protected by Airbnb if you accept a booking from a 3rd party person. There are many reasons why these precautions are in place, but one being that the person who booked has to be VERIFIED.
Do NOT under any circumstances accept a 3rd party booking. When I am approached by a guest at the beginning of the booking process, I am very clear to ask "WHO ELSE IS COMING?" Take a look at my House Rules, it will help you to understand how I have prevented this from happening. I have gotten several requests from others in 2015 & 2016 on booking my home, but within the first message, I am writing back to them posting the policy about 3rd party bookings to them directly from the ABB site. Most people, and I mean MOST people, don't read anything prior to using Airbnb, so they are grateful that I have helped them, but there are some who have said..."Another host let me book their home for my mother, why can't you?"
My reply...."I am a Superhost who follows all T & C's and Policy of Airbnb, therefore I cannot accept your 3rd party booking. But i would like to encourage you to help your mom set up her own account. If you need help, reach out to Airbnb, they have the best customer service in the world!"
Make sense @Jeanette32 ?
By the way, I use IB and love it! There are many things a host can do to prevent these guests issues. I had to learn them as I go along. And if anyone is caught breaking any of our House Rules, or "smoking pot" which is illegal in my state, I call ABB and the police and the guests is asked to leave. No exceptions.
If you feel that me or another host have helped you, feel free to click on the "thumbs up" button at the end of any post. Thank you so much.
Aloha, Momi
Aloha, Momi
Great way to contact Airbnb or via Twitter at AirbnbHelp / Facebook