Guest keeps wanting to change dates on short notice.

Level 1
Phoenix, AZ

Guest keeps wanting to change dates on short notice.



We are hosting for the very first time ever.  We just listed our place this week and yesterday someone reached out wanting to book that same day for 11 nights, got the message around 5 pm.  I didn't get to it until later and today I asked them we could accommodate him today. He said that worked for him.  This morning I accepted his requested for 11 nights.  Ten minutes after accepting his request, he messages me saying that he forgot he already had a different reservation for tonight, if he could check in tomorrow and leave a day earlier, so now its 9 days. I decided to accept his change.  Well, 10 minutes after that he once again reaches out to me saying he once again messed up and needs to change his reservation to this time 3 nights, but to check in on the 14th instead of the 7th.  He is asking me to cancel so he can rebook.  Keep in mind the reservation of 9 nights is confirmed.  

I don't know how but this feels like a scam.  Guy has been with AirBNB for 2 years and only has 1 review.  The review he does have called him by a different name than what is in his profile.  At this point, I honestly don't know if I even want him staying at my place.  Too many red flags.  Any advice for this newbie host?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Irvine, CA

@Liz-and-Ivan0 I think you did the right thing by honoring the request for change on one occasion. Given that it was a very last-minute reservation, constantly changing the dates effects your ability to get other bookings and is overall a headache. The guest is either very disorganized in their planning or potentially scamming. I would nicely write him a message and say something along the lines of "Hi XYZ, we appreciate your booking and kindly accepted the initial request for alteration to the reservation. Given that the reservation is confirmed and starts in less than 24 hours we are unable to accommodate any further changes." 


Whatever you do, do not cancel on your end, as you would likely face penalties. If the guest feels the reservation no longer fits his needs, he needs to initiate the cancellation.  Your other option would be, if you have IB on you can reach out Airbnb and see if they can cancel the reservation without penalty. Ill provide a link below regarding IB cancellations and hosting


Canceling a reservation as a Host without adverse consequences - Airbnb Help Center

Level 10
Rockport, TX


Advise to decline the booking request.   Always look at the guests reviews.  Ask them to send in a re-request for booking after they have their dates firmed up.   Also, make sure that your cancelation policy is set to firm and that full payment is due at booking.   


For us, It was either AirBnB or VRBO that once allowed someone to book without paying for the last minute booking in full.   We declined until which time the request was made and paid for in full.  A reminder is sent to the guest informing them of our cancelation policy and that last minute bookings are not refundable.  


We have about 3% of our bookings classified as last minute which for us is no less than 2 days before the booking starts.    On the last minute request for booking, we ask a lot of questions before accepting.