How to block unwanted guests...

Level 10
Quilcene, WA

How to block unwanted guests...

After a protracted back-and-forth with CS, I think I have learned the secret to reliably uncovering the guest blocking feature!


1) Do it from Google Chrome

2) Do it from the message thread with the guest you want to block, NOT their profile

3) Report as "They're being offensive" -> "They're being abusive or hostile" [For "describe the situation" be sure to clarify that they are not (if they are not) but that you just want to block them.]

40 Replies 40
Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Kelly149 @Emilia42 @Sarah977 @Joe527 @Teresita-Java0 


This morning I was able to block via the flag icon next to a message in the message thread with a guest.



@Lisa723 Good to know, I'll try it. What was your "reasoning?"

@Emilia42 I didn't reason, I got lucky with a sympathetic and persistent customer service rep.

Nice!  I don’t see that flag in the updated iPhone app.  We’re you on desktop version or android maybe?  Thanks!

@Joe527 desktop (Chrome)


@Lisa723 Your screenshot from after using the flag icon (which says "Report this message") shows they are blocked from sending you messages. This thread is about blocking from booking your listing.

@Elly0  As the OP, I beg to differ.  🙂  I've thought the two go together. (How can they book without sending any message?) The dialog boxes are the same as reported in the original post, except that the "block" option still appears (for now) at the end of this one. But... who knows?

@Lisa723 Oh that makes sense, thanks for the info, great news then!

When this is done does the host get a message acknowledging that the guest is blocked?  

If we block a guest, would he/she find out that we block him/her?  I assume the answer is yes since the guest can no longer send us messages they would have to know why, right?  I wish Airbnb just hides our listing from blocked guests for good. 

Does anyone if we can still block guests using these methods? From Google chrome desktop I clicked either on the flag and also tried to report user...then it gave me another option of inappropriate, discriminatory, abusive. Does it matter which one? I read click on being abusive. How do you clarify that they are not and you want to block them ( that's what I believe I read)? Is this still working? Anyone blocked people recently?


Edit: I tried it and it didn't seem to work. I reported guest as abusive and went to next screen to type in some details and said I wanted to block her. But the message thread is still there, still showing in my inbox. Nothing states I blocked her. Maybe I missed the option to click on Block here, but I was able to do it -->below.


EDIT #2: I GOT THE BLOCK THING TO WORK! From the flag in the message thread I clicked on report, then on being abusive and told why I was uncomfortable and wanted to block this person and this time it a block option came up to click on. And I got a confirmation that at least she won't be able to send me messages or also reservation requests (as I looked further at the message!). Great to know this... I wonder if it affects us with the algorithm if we do this ( I want to do more...)