My tips and Gripes list

Level 2
Goorambat, Australia

My tips and Gripes list

Looking at what people are offering here, my experience as a host is this:


1. I try to greet my guests in person, but post-COVID that is not sensible any more. Instead I leave a detailed Guest Manual in the property as well as emailing them a copy in advance. Some people will read one but not the other  so this covers both bases.


2. I always set a loaf of fresh bread on arrival day to be ready at their arrival time, even if it just one person for one night. It is always appreciated, everyone loves the smell, and on the odd occasion it doesn’t get eaten the local bird life have a good feed.


3. I always have the chalkboard with their name on to welcome them.


4. Always use the big shampoo/conditioner/shower gel bottles as they do get nicked otherwise. I leave one or two sanitary pads in the bathroom drawer as we are on a farm and 15 minutes from the nearest shop!


5. At Christmas, a tree and a plate of home-made mince pies are nice, and as we live in a fruit-growing region of Australia I usually pop a bowl of fresh fruit in the fridge.


6. Hugely popular is a drop of local port - I usually decant enough for a glass each plus a bit extra. I’m still working with local wineries to get a good deal on this…!


7. I do have to go out to reiterate rules all the time - pool rules (parents just leave their children despite strict rules they are to be supervised as this is s FARM); respect (I can’t tell you how often my fruit trees have been stripped, or my newly-planted flower beds completely picked out); late cancellations (such as a 2-week booking cancelled the day before, so Airbnb charged them 50% which is my arrangement, then the visitors phoning me 20 times demanding their money back as they had changed their minds).
For that last one, I managed to re-book one night, offered them $500 off a future booking of over 10 days, which they accepted, then they moaned because the price had gone up as they now wanted Easter and school holiday dates!!


Well, that’s my tips and gripes!



16 Replies 16

Hi Rick, good thoughts re the alcohol. Mind you, we live in a major wine-growing region, and most of our guests are here to travel around on wine-tasting trips. I feel that a small  (one glass per person) drop of port with a business card is likely to send them to the best places.

Note - I do not get any commission for this, it's just something I like to offer.


I did used to offer a bottle of local wine for people staying a certain length of time, but funnily enough this often did not get drunk so I stopped it!


Level 10
United States

I cannot stand cheap people!!!!! So disgusting.