Hlo sir i have tree house and two kathkuni cottages . I want...
Hlo sir i have tree house and two kathkuni cottages . I want to know that how I increase my bookings
I recieved an order yesterday around midnight, instant book (23:42 on 8th of July 2019). That was THE VERY LAST MINUTE BOOKING AT MIDNIGHT.
The client ordered a room and called me on my registered telephone number right after.
Turned out to be there gonna be more people than 1 allowed by my listing.
The client was very agressive in his telephone conversation. He told me ( the owner) that he doesn't wanna see me in my own apartment as he's gonna be not alone (23:42, almost midnight, where should i put myself.... in a closet....?).
As I serve bookings coming from 1 person only (and I am a superhost for the 3rd time already during 1 year, it's my first year on airbnb), I told him I can accept him as a guest, with no additional visitors.
The client officially cancelled. And then continued calling and sending me sms during 20 minutes, trying to reveal the exact concrete address of my physical stay.
I found it very dangerous as the client said before he's not gonna be alone. If the client officially cancelled that means the end of story. He made his choice.
So, I didn't answer any future calls or sms from him, after the exact moment he made his official cancellation on the site.
The next day (today, 9th of July 2019) the russian department gave money back to the client. And I am asking russian and american departments now to refund my money for this order, because I find this type of clients behavior to be very dangerous. I offered Airbnb team to request the sound copy of the telephone conversation from the telephone company to actually hear what type of client we are dealing with.
Plus, I have strict cancellation rules. I do not return money.
What is your opinion on this case?
I have all the photo proofs of all calls and sms recieved from this client ( I sent it to airbnb already, to both, russian and american departments). But I want your opinion.
I have the most central location in the capital and serve around the clock. Business class room at 30 bucks a night per 1 person only.
Answered! Go to Top Answer
How ever did this case go as far as it ever has?
An abusive guest books accommodation at short notice unsuitable for the quantity of guests the accommodation is listed for and then after insisting the host is not present in her own home and cancellation by the guest he abuses and terrorises the host for which Airbnb reward the guest by giving a 100% refund ?
Rewarding guests in this way does not support hosts in any way, instead it rewards guests to be expectant and demanding. If this is what Airbnb want to promote, then they're doing a fabulous job. This is not just scandalous, but equally newsworthy.
Can somebody at Airbnb, please, just get real and see whats going on with the hosts they acclaim as Superhosts for ongoing great service and give them some support and credibility ?
@Olga464 Strict cancellation policy is that you are due 50% as the cancellation occurred within 48 hours of the booking. Did you allow 100%? I agree that you do not need to host that type of guest.
@Linda108 I never give any money back. Airbnb russian speaking department gave 100% back to the client. Now this question is in investigation department. We applied with all the proofs from our end for 100% refund back to us. As the client is very agressive. And presses on the owner at midnight. I want to warn other hosts. As it is very dangerous.
@Linda108 Also the problem is:
the russian speaking operator writes the formulation to me in a ticket opened that the client showed the russian speaking support team all the proves and documents from the DOCTOR!!!!!!!! that the client could not make it to my apartment.
But, in fact, the client and his friends continued torturing me during half an hour after their official cancellation made by their own initiative, at midnight with their sms and calls trying to reveal the concrete place of my physical stay. To avoid official airbnb financial penalties for bigger number of people they wanted to place into 1 single room.
Is "the documents from the doctor" something common to reply with, and not to solve the problem? I do not see any logics in this answer from airbnb russian speaking operator. The client wanted to enter my apartment with the crowd of friends. What documents from the doctor ?.....))))) Isn't it strange.... ? What doctor has to do with all that.... I am affraid the russian department is not paying enough attention to their work.
@Linda108 yes, it is within 48 h of booking but also last minute boking so he shouldn't get any refund.
I think 48 h free cancelation is applied only if the booking is made 14 or more days before check in
@Branka-and-Silvia0 The guest provided a doctor's document to prove that he could not make it as described by @Olga464. It is impossible to get the money back because there is no way for the host to verify if the document is fake.
@Mike1034 yes, yes, I know, I was just referring to 48 free cancelation policy in general
What are your losses?
His booking did not cost you any money. As you said it was right before the cut-off so his reservation did not interfere with getting another potential paying guest . Yes, he did wrong by wanting to bring an extra guest. But you correctly stopped him. He cancelled so you would not incur a penalty.
Yes, you did have to communicate on the app for an hour. Bothersome, but unfortunately a cost of business/marketing.
@Paul154 The client gives faulse info to airbnb company. He is very agressive in communication with the owner. And russian support team writes me back some info about DOCTORS and documents from the client which is not matching the reality. I certainly want my money back. The client didn't wanna communicate through airbnb system. Only calls and sms on my phone directly. Avoiding airbnb chat. We gave airbnb all screens of each single second of sms and incoming calls.
I do not see the logics in support team answers. Or, is it just robot in the chat. I do not see the logics in the client giving documents to the support team that he could not make it to my apartment. Although the client and his group of people cancelled and continued to call and sms me asking for the concrete address of my physical stay. They COULD MAKE IT. The problem is, THE DIDN'T WANNA MAKE IT THROUGH THE OFFICIAL AIRBNB SYSTEM. And the user gave false info to the support team. And if the user is lying, it means that the owners are very much risking with this user in a system.
This woman is so greedy!!!
So the client told the Airbnb support team that he booked the room at 23:42, then went to the doctor was seen/assessed and got a note from said doctor, then cancelled, all in the18 minutes between the booking and cancellation??? Airbnb Russia bought that?
No way! Hold your ground on getting the $ back, @Olga464,. Allowing a full refund in contravention of your policy is simply encouraging bad behaviour. It's even more worrisome that this person was aggressive and trying to pin down your location,. Were you able to block the guest/flag the profile for safety/security?
@Jennifer1421 Russian speaking manager just wrote me, that they can not investigate all the cases going out of airbnb system. And they are working according with the rules. And if the client gave all the documentation from his side, they have to take it to account. But, as the exception, they give me 30 bucks back and hope they will not be solving such questions from my end in the future.
I wrote them that I am very responsible owner and interested in their business blossoming all over the world. That's why I PROVIDED THEM with materials confirming each single second of communicative motility of the client. Well.... What can I say.... I didn't see what the client showed to the russian speaking support team from his end.
What percentage of your nightly fee does the refund represent?
Disappointing that they failed to return 100% of your fee, especially given this situation - which cannot be possible. As you say, though, it's impossible to know what documentation the client gave. Something written on the back of an envelope, perhaps? Maybe his doctor was the additional guest?? (heavy sarcasm)