What Hosts are saying

    Hi everyone, Welcome to the "Ask about your listing" board – I hope you’ve been finding lots of useful information, insights and advice from our community. One of the amazing things about this space is that those starting out on their Hosting journey c... Latest reply by Toby181
    I am reaching out for help or guidance. all of my listings were suspended because a past guest trashed my house and I asked her to pay the cleaning of my couch so a month latter she called Airbnb and made up a story that I had a dangerous animal in the ... Latest reply by Michelle4112
    I am just starting with my flat and I do not have the money to hire a professional photographer, I would like to know your opinion https://www.airbnb.co.uk/rooms/985542135172379321?guests=1&adults=1&s=67&unique_share_id=b65f6c80-e3b9-4c8e-94d7-3de4b720c3... Latest reply by Emmanuel9
    Hey Air BnB Community,I'm a super host and I love to respond to guest enquiries quickly. But I am going away on a 7 day retreat with no phones, email or internet access. Can I set my listing to 'snooze' or 'out of office' or something? I want a way that w... Latest reply by Jess-And-Family0
    My two AirBnbs have been suspended with no reason, we had some guests check in recently under a different name and they left the next day when they realised there was a door camera. I have called and messaged AirBNB for 5 days, they keep closing the mess... Latest reply by Kerry537
    I would like a reason, answer from Airbnb about thisI have been an airbnb host for 14 years, with superhost statusIn the past 6 months I've had almost no requests, and in the past 2 months zeroI called to speak to someone about the whys, if this was a t... Latest reply by Bettye6
    I applied for short term rental I received a message from The office saying this I need help to correct so I can get the license. It is a three bedroom I stay in one and the two are for the air b&b with only 2 guest who share the other space with me**... Latest reply by Rebecca
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