What Hosts are saying

    Hi everyone, Welcome to the "Ask about your listing" board – I hope you’ve been finding lots of useful information, insights and advice from our community. One of the amazing things about this space is that those starting out on their Hosting journey c... Latest reply by Toby181
    Instant booking is encouraged by Airbnb, we have used it for years but with the proviso that guests have positive reviews and agree to share the reason for their trip. These steps have helped us ward off problems. Now people can instant book if they have ... Latest reply by Gwen386
    Hi! I just logged out of Airbnb, and made a search in my own area, for dates when my guest house is available.This because I had updated prices and discounts, and wanted to check that everything worked out the way I planned. I then noticed that even thoug... Latest reply by Trude0
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