What hosts are saying

    I received a reservation by someone for a colleague. The colleague stayed, all was perfect. He says he has an Airbnb profile but for some obscure reason the office didn't let him do the reservation himself. Is there anyway I can write my review on his pro... Latest reply by Vanessa341
    I had an enquiry for Xmas 2018 however the guest said the dates showed as unavaiable. I have the "Avaliabilty Settings" set to "All future dates", I have pricing and the dates aren't blocked. Why can my guests not book them? Latest reply by Marzena4
    AS from now i wish to cancel my account, I am in UK for a while with family problems. I have informed my December guests.susi Latest reply by Marzena4
    Hello All, I am sure we all have received the letter about the 90 days restriction from Airbnb which will apply from 2017.I am quite disappointed as I would love to continue renting my whole house. I have checked the website of the council but I could no... Latest reply by Frankie22
    having problelms syncing my Stayz calendar to AIr B n B. when i copy and paste the URL it will not accept as it says it is not in ICAL format. Latest reply by Nerys-and-Nigel0