What Hosts are saying

    Recently had a guest state he and one other friend were staying the night. Came back the next day after checkout and the house was a bit of a mess. There were three full garbage bags full of beer bottles and take out boxes. Futhermore, all 6 towels used (... Latest reply by Brandon7
    in transaction history in completed transaction i see 58$paidout.but on 28.03 i only received 38$ by bank transfer.where is my 20$? should i wait again, or there is some problem?
    Hi, I need your help guys.Situation:Place I booked cancelledLooked for another place to book, I successfully booked.Breakdown displayed the difference which I need to pay which is no problem. The problem:3 hours after, my credit card was charged the full ...
    • Screen Shot 2016-04-04 at 9.54.34 PM.png
    Hi everyone, I was supposed to have an airbnb photographer shoot my place few month ago and it didn't work out.Now we wanted to reschedule but airbnb doens't reply his messages (they have to approve his photo shoot) or any of my emails regarding it.Any id...
    Hello! Yesterday I completed and put on new listing (my first one). The caption "NEW" didn't show on the listing among search results. Maybe it is because some time ago I left this listing uncompleted and unposted until yesterday. I would like to have cap...
    My guest just asked for pre approval. When I saw his booking date, I noticed that the price 'being charged' was not at all the price I have set on my calendar (I've changed certain dates to reflect demand). How do I know if the customer is being charged... Latest reply by Dede0
    I logged in to update my listing and was dismayed to find that the featured photo for my listing had changed, and when I clicked into my photos, they had all been randomly reordered!! Egads, how am I supposed to keep my place filled when the featured phot... Latest reply by Ed-and-Hugh0