Hiya. Anyone else find the new 4,000 character limit AirBnB ...
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Hiya. Anyone else find the new 4,000 character limit AirBnB has imposed on host-to-guest messages inconvenient? I write for a...
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I just had a guest check out who left a nasty review. Amongst other untruths, she stated that my husband is creepy, and that we watch our guests. Untrue!
All my other reviews are 5 star, and this review changes that and makes us look really bad. How can I get it taken down?
Please help!
This review is false and misleading on several points. Firstly - Our home is completely private and our guest privacy is never, ever violated. We do not monitor the interior of our home and we certainly did not watch “a group of women for the weekend”. Secondly – I arrived at the house slightly after check-out time. At my time of arrival the rental period was over and Rachel and her other guests should have vacated by then. Therefore it is incorrect to state that there was “no warning” of my arrival. Thirdly - Contrary to Rachel’s review, I did not “expect” to enter the house. Instead, I rang the bell and asked permission to enter (which was given) to drop off 2 boxes and a picture frame. I was in and out of the house in under 3 minutes. Finally - Our home is completely secure. In addition to normal locks and bolts we have external video surveillance of our house for the safety and security of our guests, ourselves, and our home as this is a center city location. Before leaving I told Rachel and her friends that even though it was after check out time there was no need for them to rush. I was friendly and my aim was to make them comfortable and happy. I strongly disagree with Rachel’s suggestion that anything untoward happened. We take hosting very seriously to ensure our guests are comfortable and happy, as can be seen in all the previous reviews. Grant Rachel, I am disappointed and sad about this review. I’m hoping that everything else about the week-end was great. I assure you that had you reached out to either of us at the time about your concerns, the matter could have been easily cleared up. Elizabeth
Would have been better to have contacted AirBnB than write what you wrote.
@Elizabeth290@ I actually thought your response was what was needed. After reading the initial review, as a booking guest, I would not have booked your property. Your response made me see that your guest was overreacting. If you would have written a generic response like the one suggested, I would have still believed the guest. I think you need to respond with what really happened which you did a beautiful job of.
I agree, and I'm glad your response is showing up near the top of the thread here.
While I agree with many points Robin makes (about taking time to cool off, etc) I can tell you as a guest, I 100% prefer to see actual HUMAN reponses like this, vs the very dry, scripted "PC" response that AirBnb suggests. I agree with not engaging in silly debate, but in this particular case, David was being (falsy) accused of illegal activity, and a firm response is entirely appropriate, in my opinion.
That's something that I think sets AirBnb apparent from hotels and the like - as a guest you normally feel like you're dealing with a real person, not a giant organization. The personal touches make the difference, and that applies to reviews too.
I am afraid you can't Elizabeth! What is stated in the review is just perceptions, and Airbnb will not remove a review because of what someone thought they had experienced....It was simply the event from their perspective.
Elizabeth these are the review guidelines.....
We don't allow:
Elizabeth, it is unfortunate that you responded in the way you did. You should always stay away from arguing with guests! It does not show you in a good light. In your review you have said what a good guest Rachael was and how she would be good for hosting, and then you see her review and turn around and cane her....It doesn't look good Elizabeth.
Your initial review should have been somewhat generic....'Rachael obeyed the house rules left the listing in a clean and tidy state and I hope they enjoyed their stay' ....No matter what Rachael writes you don't have to do any 'back tracking'!
Then when her review came you should have restricted your response to something like...."I was saddened to read Rachael's perception of events and want to assure her that we had no desire to do anything other than provide her with a lovely experience which she would want to return too. I am so sorry that she had this misconception, and as with all our guests, will take her feedback on board to make us better next time."
Now, by doing that you have made her look stupid for the comments she made....readers will think (particularly with her last statement) what an oddball guest! And it has made you look a diplomatic and gracious host...the sort we all want to deal with.
That review of hers will soon slip into obscurity Elizabeth...the thing that is going to keep on attracting readers attention to it, is your response. I have said it before, but the world will judge you by the way you carry yourself in the review process...it says as much about you as it does about the guest.
Try to remember that for next time....if there ever is one! These 'prickly' guest don't come around often.
All the best and good luck with your future hosting.
You are so wrong. Guest expect an abusive review to be responded to. Your comments are 'creepy'.
Thanks for your response.
We were/are so concerned that her review would affect us negatively, that we wanted to ensure people know we are not like that. But I take your point.
Thank you for all the good information and advice.
Do you happen to know if we can remove our own response?
I've been giving this a ton of thought, and I really do appreciate your words.
I wanted to contact Airbnb, having spent a lot of time on this site and airbnb's to find out how to do it, and I found I was running in circles. Having not found out how to contact them directly (lots of people seem to have this problem) we wrote our reply.
I feel that what this person is slanderous. The review accuses us right out of monitoring a bunch of girls over a home monitoring system, and that is creepy. If that were the truth, then I would agree it is creepy. However it's not true, and the stuff she said is pretty serious legally and could get a person into trouble. I think that it would be wrong to have that said about us, and not defend ourselves.
I'm curious to know what others might say about this.
@Elizabeth290....Yeah, never say never! I did, as I was putting those guidelines in, wondered if you could use the slander line because Rachael was in fact insinuating that the character of your husband and to a lesser extent you, is in doubt here....and I would perceive that as slander.
I don't know you, but I would never make an accusation like that about you! It may be worth making a call and using that line to Airbnb and see if they aggree that this could be grounds for removal of that review.
I just wish you had not given that response though Elizabeth.....Airbnb will look at that and say..."Well that was their perception and you have explained it from your point of view so, it balances out and there is no reason to remove it!"
Elizabeth, this whole platform revolves around the integrity of the review system....it is tamperproof, well almost, and if a review appears, it is a genuine review written from the experience of the host and the guest! It really is the best review system (aside from the star rating nonsense) Airbnb are proud of it and are loath to give ground where prickly reviews are concerned because it can open the floodgates to the point where everyone wants to ditch their poor reviews....you can see that, can't you?
This is why you have to be extremely diplomatic with what you write in your reviews, they stay with you for good or bad! Never write a review, or a review response out of spite! It will come back to haunt you. I have written a few posts on how to write a review and it may be worth looking at one of them and see if you can learn something from it.
Most hosts do not place much emphasis on the psychology behind dealing with a guest, who, lets face it, is a stranger to you, and you to them.
Elizabeth, it may well be worth having contact with Airbnb and trying that 'slander' angle...there is a definite possibility that it may work. I wish you all the best with it and would love to know the outcome.
Thank you for your help.
@Robin4 your posts are a breath of fresh air.thank you for helping me and so many others.....cheers
@Bruce43 Thanks Bruce....I had a memory test at my local doctors today because I think I am in the early stages of Alzheimers desease...I am fogetting silly little things. I can go into a supermarket for 4 items and, for the life of me can't think what all those 4 items were when there.
Every sentence I type here I have to correct a myriad of spelling mistakes.....and still some slip through!
Anyway my memory test was great and the comment was, you have to give something away, there is a limit to what the brain will absorb, and as you grow older that limit decreases.
I have a wife who is in the latter stages of MS, she is essentially wheelchair bound these days Bruce and there is very little that happens around here that I don't have to do! I spend 30 hours a week as the volunteer kitchen coordinator for a meals delivery service called Meals on Wheels where we supply meals to people who can no longer cook for themselves. I am running an Airbnb where I will have up to 5 guests a week and have to service the guest cottage virtually on a daily basis, and I am spending 3 hours a day right here on the Community Centre forum. It is now 11.30 on Thursday evening and I still have 3 posts to respond to just like yours.
As I have said in another post Bruce, I feel what is said here on the forum is important because it helps someone who are just like me a year ago. And when someone asks a question I feel they deserve an answer and a rationale for that answer....not just a yes, try this, or contact them! They have come here for information that will help them understand what they are doing....And Bruce, that is what I try to provide! I am not always right.....but I try to the best of my ability!
And when someone like you says thanks.....that's great....thank you Bruce, it really is appreciated.
Heed @Robin4's advice.
I do send sympathy to you for the review - it is a shock and a disappointment- but will fade with time.
1. Never respond to a review in a negative or defensive way- take a deep breath and be cool and take the high road.
2. Never allow your husband to be alone with female guests unaccompanied. Follow the doctors practice of a male doctor always has a nurse present when attending a woman. It's just good practice and prevention is better than cure! (And not because you can't trust your husband!)
3. It is considered libelous as the comments were written, not spoken (which would make them slander).
best of Luck - and ask Airbnb if you can remove your review comments. I think they might consider it -
After all it is in their interest too to help us all look professional and positive.
A lot of hosts do so solo, I think the response was written by him not her, they share the account.
Libel well yes, but then I doubt that would fly from a legal point of view.
There are definitely ways to work within the system.
Thank you for your help, and everyone else also.
I have now spoken to Airbnb. The fellow I spoke to said he couldn't do it, but felt that it was worthy enough to pass on to the next stage. Airbnb folks will now call both Rachel and I separately to hear what we have to say. I have reached out to Rachel to say that I think the whole thing is a misunderstanding, that I have contacted Airbnb and that we both will recieve a call, and that I hope we can come to a happy conclusion for all of us. I havent' heard back from Rachel, and whichever way this goes, trust me, I will not be slinging it out on the review page.
Elizabeth's place is gorgeous. And despite it being a great place it's not worth it for your security and privacy. Elizabeth's husband showed up on check out day with no warning and expected to come in to drop items off at the house. We did not know him and did not know if he was telling the truth about being the owner. It was creepy, especially after Elizabeth telling us to make sure the door is always locked because people have been known to walk in. Additionally he told us they had been watching us via a home surveillance system. Watching a group of women for the weekend?! Creepy creepy. No thank you!