Hey guys, For some reason, after being steadily booked all summer and only 1 cancelation...yesterday I suddenly got 3 cancelations back to back all in one day within a few hours of each other... Is something going on??? I checked my pricing as well as locals in the area's pricing...I'm not sure what to do in these situations considering we never know what the reason for the cancelation is. Is there anything or anyway on the airbnb website we can create/send our some kind of short little survey/questionnaire or something to those who cancel with the intention of finding out their reasoning? The reason would obviously determine how we would move forward...(offer them a discounted rate for another date, reschedule for a date that better suits them, etc.)
it's terrible that these unforseen events, called life, happen sometimes causing our plans to change. When customers cancel these reservations, it affects our ratings. We were so close to getting our super host status back too...which was sabatoged by our previous co-host who, obviously, has been terminated.
If there's no way to make this kind of short questionnaire to send to all customers who cancel....then what is the correct approach? As the host, what is the proper thing to do/say to them, if anything at all? Thanks for the help!
All the best,
-Rachel ** -
**[Las name hidden due to privacy concerns - Community Center Guidelines]
All the best,
~Rachel Spring~
(540) 688-7888